Our family observes a very special day which is called "firstfruits". It's in memory of when the firstfruits of the barley harvest was brought in to Jerusalem and offered to the Most High. The firstfruits of barley are assembled in a basket and offered at the altar. This "firstfruits" is very special, especially the timing of it - it happens on the THIRD DAY after the Passover, which is when Yeshua was resurrected to life.
So the "firstfruits" of the barley harvest is commonly called "Easter" and is still remembered today with "easter baskets".
But that's not where the holiday ends! After the "firstfruits" a countdown begins. We count seven "7's" from that offering (which is 49 days), then on the 50th day another "firstfruits" is offered, this time the firstfruit of wheat. In Greek, this day is called "Pentecost" meaning "50".
There are all sorts of debate on how to perform this count, mostly having to do with issues between the weekly Sabbath and the High Sabbath of Passover. This year, however, it works out perfectly because they are one-in-the same day!
Israel would assemble in Jerusalem from all over the world to celebrate this firstfruits of the wheat harvest. They would do no normal work and celebrate together - often with much drinking and partying.
Pentecost for Our Family
The significance for our family is when the apostles of Yeshua were assembled in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit descended upon them in tongues of fire and they preached the message of the Reign of God to all the people assembled from around the world. They heard their speech in their own language! There were 3000 people baptized that day and after the Holy Day, the message of Yeshua was distributed in all of their hometowns.
Many see this as the formation of the CHURCH, the day that the message of salvation was spread to the ends of the earth. Since our church is our home, and our congregation are our children, we remember this day with rest and singing and reading books to our children that are significant to our journey.
My wife is reading "The Long Road to a New Land", which has to do with immigration to the US, but for us is a picture of our immigration to the promised land someday. We are not entitled, but we are grateful to receive whatever blessings we have stored up in Heaven.
Difficult days are coming and we must live in the Holy Spirit to endure, to trust and obey and remind the Most High of the promises He has given to the faithful. We must be strong and courageous. Our joy in Yah is our strength.
Bless His Holy Name!
Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of six wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.
Bless the Most High!
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