Benefits of Young Coconut Business

in Cent8 months ago

Coconut is a type of plantation crop that is quite a mainstay in Girikarto Village. Apart from meeting local needs, firewood from tree fronds is very helpful in reducing expenditure in the fuel sector. Now, with the development of tourism, especially beach tourism which is synonymous with young coconuts (known as degan), it is starting to flow to local traders. They really benefit from this. Although to get it you have to turn it on yourself and this results in an increase in production life.

The profits promised from this business are very tempting, imagine that one coconut at the beginning of the harvest is IDR. 2000,- after adding other production costs you can still get a profit of Rp. 500,- per piece. On average, one trader can sell 200 to 300 young coconuts a day. It is estimated that in Girikarto there are 7 Degan traders who assume that degan production in Girikarto is 2,100 degans per day. In one month it reaches approximately 63,000 units. Until the circulation of money from sales with degan in Girikarto reached Rp. 126,000,000,- per month or 1,515,000,000,- per year.







A unique type of bussiness.

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