
in The Ink Well9 months ago

Image of myself

Hi everyone, and welcome to my blog.
When I saw the topic for this week's prompt, I wondered what I could write about then I decided to go for this.

This story is about me and my roommates. before we went home for the festive season, we had an issue that is yet to be sorted out, but the way my roommate is viewing it, she seems to have kept me and one of my roommates in mind because we are four all together in our room, let me put it like, ( roommate 1, roommate 2 and roommate 3, for clarity purpose). And whenever we are going home maybe after exams or for a short holiday roommate 2 is always the first to go home and last to return.
So this particular time everyone went home. So I was the first person to resume before the others.

As usual, roommate 2 was the last to resume. So when she came home, she was putting her stuff in order and cleaning some stuff as she was doing that she was complaining for God knows why.
So the next thing I heard was that her bottles of oil had gone missing everyone became puzzled because such a thing as never happened and it surprised everyone.

Roommate 2 wouldn't want to listen to anybody’s point of view, she just feels that she's right. All she was saying was that she knew the person who took her oil was an insider and that an outside person wouldn't get the opportunity to do that.
She then called all of us and told us that seven bottles of her oil had gone missing, and that was the most surprising part because that amount of oil was too much.

After much said and done she wouldn't want to listen to our point of view of maybe she didn't bring the complete oil to school, but she kept on cursing and swearing. She took the issue to our house owner, and he called all of us to ask us how it happened. Meanwhile, roommate one was also angry about why she wouldn't listen to our view and indirectly said we took her oil, why roommate 3 was just acting like she's an angel. The house owners talked to us and said if we know anything about the oil we should open up.

But still, we had to see it from our view because she was saying her mom told her not to take all the oil from home, so she might have left it there because there was no way all that amount of oil would leave the house.
But since she was not listening to us, we told her to do whatever she wants to do, since our hands were clean then we were good. But we still don't know the decision she made.


Accusing people wrongly isn't a good thing to do and I always warn people against it because when you are wrong in the end, mending such a relationship is almost impossible.

I hope the truth is revealed about the missing bottles of oil so that your name and others can be cleared.

Now we can't really tell if this was a wrong accusation or not but 7 bottles of oil is a lot to have been stolen by one person. Perhaps she didn't travel down with it like you thought.

Anyways, it would be nice to give these room mates a name as this is a story. It is hard keeping up with the room mate 1 and 2 names that you gave them. It's good to see you try out in theinkwell community but you still have a lot of skills to learn about story telling. Hopefully you'd stick around to learn.

With creative non-fiction, we are looking for true stories well-told. This means that they need to exhibit the attributes of good fiction. They need to have a good balance between action, narrative, and dialogue. They should have conflict and resolution, a good story and character arc, and be more show than tell. The grammar, punctuation, and spelling should also be checked for errors before publishing by using an online editor like Grammarly or Google docs to identify ways to improve your sentence construction. I think you would benefit from reading through The Ink Well resources in the following post Catalogue of fiction writing tips... they are available via URL links within the post.

Although you had the bones of an interesting creative non-fiction piece here, it was entirely narrative and a bit unwieldy. The language was too casual - as if you were chatting with a friend rather than delivering a short story. If you prefer to keep your friends names anonymous, rather use pseudonyms than refer to them as room mate 1, 2, 3, and 4 as that feels cumbersome and does not draw the reader in or allow them to relate to any of them.

If you want to see increased curation on your submissions to The Ink Well it would be worth investing some time to work your way through The Ink Well library of articles and then start practicing with the elements of fiction that are taught in these posts.