Creative Nonfiction: From Misfortune to Opportunity: The Adventure of a Borrowed Fridge. Original Content. EN/ESP.

in The Ink Well23 days ago


The story:

Some time ago, there was a rather strong electric voltage drop, but unlike other times, this time the power did not drop, but it fell in a fluctuating process, where the energy went from very high peaks to low peaks. At that time, I had removed the current protector from the refrigerator, to protect another new and quite expensive equipment.

In fact, when I removed the protector, I didn't worry, since I had to buy the other one the next day; however, with everyday situations I forgot to buy the protector, and not for a few days, but for a couple of weeks. So when the problem with the fluctuation of the light came, the refrigerator was damaged by the motor and the capacitor.

—Rodrigo, look what happened because I didn't buy the protector at the time. — Mariana commented, quite upset.

—I know, honey, let me solve the problem. — I told her, in the spirit of calming her down.

—Now we have no money, not to buy an engine, not at all. We are coming out of the pandemic, and we have very reduced income in the business. — said Mariana, in a rather loud tone.

The next day, I checked the coffers of our family treasury, and we really had no way to cope with heavy expenses at that time. And the purchase of the motor, the capacitor and the technician's labour, were almost 100 dollars, and by that time we simply did not have them.

Anyway, the next day I went out to the street, to see if I could get the spare parts and their prices. However, many shops and spare houses were unopened, as it was the week that the government lifted the COVID-19 quarantine, and everything was starting to work, but very slowly.

At the end of the morning, I decided to go home and wait a couple of days, to see if the shops and spare houses were finished opening. When I arrived at the house, I met José, a friend and neighbour, and I told him about the situation that had arisen with the refrigerator.

—Rodrigo, don't worry, I can solve the problem for you and that's how you help me.— Jose told me.

—What do you mean, José?— I told him.

—As you know, I'm going to live with my wife in her country, we leave for Spain tomorrow, and there are some things that I couldn't sell, and among them is the fridge. And really, I prefer that you have the fridge, since I don't want to leave it in the flat, because I'm going to remove the water, lower the brakes and turn off the gas, so as not to have worries, since I leave the flat empty.

And I prefer that you have the fridge at home working and then we square up, since I know that the thing on an economic level is very strong now. So, when the situation improved, we reached an agreement, and you buy it from me. —Jose asked me.

That same day, we brought the fridge up to my house, and we started using it. On several occasions, I asked José how much he was going to sell me the fridge to pay him the amount, since that fridge was much bigger and newer than mine. The only thing he answered was: "Rest assured, that fridge is going to be for you.”

Taking José at his word, when I remodelled the kitchen, I adapted the cabinet to the refrigerator and placed it in its place. In fact, I sent José photos of how the furniture and the remodelling had turned out, and in fact, that day, I told him to give me the price of the refrigerator to pay for it at once, and again, he did not give me an answer.

When I had more than a year with José's refrigerator in my house, giving it use and already feeling like mine, I received a call from José, in which he informed me that his eldest son and his wife, a girl from Andalusia, whom he had met through a conversation through Skype. They had decided to come to live in Venezuela, and that, for that reason, they were going to need the refrigerator.

So when they told me they were coming, I took out the fridge, cleaned it and helped bring it down to Jose's flat. After that, I went down to the car park, where I had my old fridge already fixed, and brought it up to the house.

When I put it in the house, the piece of furniture that I had made for the other fridge, was too big for mine, and I stared at the empty space, thinking about the situation. At that moment, I heard Mariana's laughter.

—I told you that you will not send to make that piece of furniture, until we had paid José for the fridge, and we had all the security in the world that it would be ours, but as always, you never listen to me. — said Mariana.

—I never thought that Manolo, would come to Venezuela and neither would José. — I commented.

—No problem, now, we gather money to buy a fridge that fits the dimensions of the furniture and, in the meantime, we use ours without problem. The only bad thing is that you will have to put the beers down in a cellar for the car park, when you start welding, playing domino and doing things with your friends. — said Mariana, while laughing again.

—I hope I'm not worthy of your mockery all week. — I told him, since I knew what was waiting for me.

—That's what happens to you, for counting the chickens before they are born. — she said when he went to our room, laughing at me.

Thanks for reading me.

Translated with Yandex/Translator


Para leer en Español


Creative Nonfiction: De la Desgracia a la Oportunidad: La Aventura de una Nevera Prestada.

La historia:

Hace algún tiempo, hubo una caída de tensión eléctrica bastante fuerte, pero a diferencia de otras ocasiones, esta vez no se cayó la energía, sino que la misma cayó en un proceso fluctuante, donde la energía pasaba de picos muy altos a picos bajos. En esos momentos, yo le había quitado el protector de corriente a la nevera, para proteger otro equipo nuevo y bastante costoso.

De hecho, cuando quite el protector, no me preocupé, ya que lo tenía que comprar el otro al día siguiente; sin embargo, con las situaciones cotidianas se me olvidó comprar el protector, y no por unos días, sino por un par de semanas. Así que cuando vino el problema con la fluctuación de la luz, a la nevera se le dañó el motor y el capacitor.

—Rodrigo, mira lo que pasó por no haber comprado el protector en su momento.— comentó Mariana, bastante molesta.

—Lo sé, cariño, deja que resuelva el problema. — le dije, con el ánimo de calmarla.

—Ahora no tenemos dinero, ni para comprar un motor, ni para nada. Estamos saliendo de la pandemia y tenemos ingresos muy reducidos en el negocio. —dijo Mariana, en un tono bastante fuerte.

Al día siguiente, revisé las arcas de nuestro tesoro familiar, y realmente no teníamos cómo afrontar gastos fuertes en ese momento. Y la compra del motor, del capacitor y la mano de obra del técnico, eran casi 100 dólares, y para ese momento simplemente no los teníamos.

Igual, al día siguiente salí a la calle, a ver si conseguía los repuestos y sus precios. Sin embargo, muchas tiendas y casas de repuesto estaban sin abrir, ya que es fue la semana que el gobierno levantó la cuarentena del COVID-19, y todo estaba empezando a funcionar, pero de manera muy lenta.

Al final de la mañana, decidí irme a casa y esperar un par de días, a ver si terminaban de abrir las tiendas y las casas de repuesto. Al llegar a la casa, me conseguí con José, un amigo y vecino, y le comenté la situación que se me había presentado con la nevera.

—Rodrigo, no te preocupes, yo te puedo resolver el problema y así de paso me ayudas. — Me dijo José.
—¿A qué te refieres, José? — le comenté.

—Como sabes, me voy a vivir con mi esposa a su país, salimos para España mañana, y hay algunas cosas que no pude vender, y entre ellas está la nevera. Y de verdad, prefiero que tú tengas la nevera, ya que no la quiero dejar en el apartamento, debido a que voy a quitar el agua, bajar los brakers y cerrar el gas, para no tener preocupaciones, ya que dejo el apartamento vacío.
Y prefiero que tengas la nevera en tu casa funcionando y después cuadramos, ya que sé que la cosa a nivel económico está muy fuerte ahora. Así, cuando mejoré la situación, llegamos a un acuerdo y me la compras. — me planteó José.

Ese mismo día subimos la nevera a mi casa, y la comenzamos a usar. En varias oportunidades le pregunté a José en cuánto me iba a vender la nevera para pagarle el monto, ya que esa nevera, era mucho más grande y más nueva que la mía. Lo único que él respondía era: “Queda tranquilo, que esa nevera va a ser para ti”.

Tomándole la palabra a José, cuando remodelé la cocina, adapté el mueble a la nevera y la coloqué en su lugar. De hecho, le mandé a José, fotos de cómo había quedado el mueble y la remodelación, y de hecho, ese día, le comenté que me diera el precio de la nevera para pagársela de una vez, y nuevamente, no me dio respuesta.

Cuando ya tenía más de un año con la nevera de José en mi casa, dándole uso y sintiéndola ya como mía, recibí una llamada de José, en la cual me informaba que su hijo mayor y su esposa, una chica de Andalucía, a la cual había conocido por una conversación a través de Skype. Habían decido venirse a vivir a Venezuela, y que, por ese motivo, iban a necesitar la nevera.

Así que cuando me dijeron que iban a venir, saqué la nevera, la limpié y ayudé a bajarla al apartamento de José. Después de eso, bajé al estacionamiento, donde tenía mi vieja nevera ya arreglada, y la subí a la casa.

Cuando la metí en la casa, el mueble que había hecho para la otra nevera, le quedaba grande a la mía, y me quedé mirando el espacio vacío, pensando en la situación. En ese momento escuché la risa de Mariana.

—Te dije que no mandarás a hacer ese mueble, hasta que no le pagáramos la nevera a José y tuviésemos toda la seguridad del mundo de que sería nuestra, pero como siempre, nunca me haces caso. — dijo Mariana.
—Nunca pensé que Manolo, se viniera a Venezuela y José tampoco. — Comenté.

—No hay problema, ahora, reunimos dinero para comprar una nevera que entre en las dimensiones del mueble y, mientras tanto, usamos la nuestra sin problema. Lo único malo es que tendrás que bajar las cervezas en una cava para el estacionamiento, cuando te pongas a soldar, a jugar domino y hacer cosas con tus amigos. —dijo Mariana, mientras reía de nuevo.

—Espero no ser digno de tu burla toda la semana. —Le dije, ya que sabía lo que me esperaba.

—Eso te pasa, por contar los pollos antes de nacer. —dijo cuando se fue a nuestro cuarto, riéndose de mí.

Gracias por leerme.



😂 he counted his chickens before they hatched

Hello @snowbhale, yes and I am left with a piece of furniture and a colleague who always reminds me of it.
Happy Friday.

🥰 that is lovely


Muy buen relato... me hizo gracia los comentarios de la esposa de Rodrigo. Ciertamente no hay que contar los pollitos antes de nacer!!!

You had no choice but to return the refrigerator and keep the furniture made. Luckily, you already had your old refrigerator fixed, otherwise it would have been a serious problem. This always happens and we get overconfident, then we have to back off for some reason.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good day.

Hi @rinconpoetico7, the truth is that I was surprised at the time, that they asked me for it and it caught me by surprise.
But I was able to solve the problem and I also got the lady's waistcoat, hahaha.
Thanks for the comment.