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RE: Creative Nonfiction: Any follow-up entails a resignation. A reflection on the balance in life. Original Content. EN/ESP.

in The Ink Well2 months ago

A great example of how some things come at a cost that is often hidden from us. Too bad his girlfriend left him, and I wonder if he learned the lesson or not. He seemed very committed to his job.

Actually, a lot of things have changed. Let me tell you, I learned with my uncle that one should arrive at work early and also, one should enjoy what one does, and when one no longer enjoys one's job, the best thing is to quit. And in my case, I love my job at the plant.

I like how you took time to describe the man's daily life demonstrating his commitment to his career as the expense of other aspect of his life. I think I was expecting to read more at the end about whether he changed or not. Did he learn his lesson or continued the same? I enjoyed reading his conundrum.