Rejection: A part of life - Week #194

in Weekend Experiences7 months ago

I believe that rejection is a blessing because it's the universe's way of telling you that there's something better out there
-Henry Rollins

We will all face rejection in one way or another, and I personally think it is an integral and important part of life.I have had my fair share of rejections from families, friends, acquaintances, allies, organizations, etc.

One of the experiences I would not forget in a hurry was when I was job hunting. I have been to several job interviews, and on each occasion, I did not make the final list; however, there was this particular one that hurt me so bad.

I had gone through all four stages of written and oral interviews with this particular recruitment agency, went as far as going for medicals, and had an onsite interview with the company representative. I was very certain the job was mine. Sadly, I was turned down at the dying minute. For days without counting, I could not wrap my head around what went wrong or at what point I got disqualified. I tried reaching out to the recruitment agency to at least find out where I missed it so that I could learn from it, but I was told that it was no fault of mine and that it was the company's policy that drew the line.

Though I was badly hurt by this particular rejection, I didn't give up on applying for other jobs. Instead, this situation made me more resilient, and I grew personal in my emotions about how to handle any kind of news. It also made me reevaluate my goals, explore new opportunities I had never thought of before, and ultimately achieve success through perseverance.

Yes, I know rejection is a part of life.



Rejection can sting, but Sometimes it's just a redirection towards something even better. Keep your chin up!

Thank you

Many times, it's not the applicant's fault but the organization that draws the line, favourably or otherwise. I witnessed a first hand where someone was invited for an interview he had to travel for when the organization already had those they would pick.

Anyways, we keep trying till we get that which would make us comfortable

It's really sad how some organizations treats applicants, but we won't give up until we get that which would make us comfortable


It is very annoying to go through that situation, they leave you with the unknown of knowing what you failed in 😔, I hope you forget that annoying incident and you can get better opportunities 🥰

It's really annoying but have moved on. Thank you 😊

Yay! 🤗
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