My Time In High School🥰 || WEEK 215

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Hello hello friends of the community💙 I hope you have a nice weekend, this will be very special by the way because we will celebrate the children's day, although we don't have big plans here because usually everything is a mess everywhere, and we don't like those disturbances hahaha but next week we will go somewhere with the kids for sure💙.


But well to what we came, this week as always very good proposals but without hesitation I go for this👇👇👇

How were your high school years, did you enjoy them, were you studious, lazy, did you suffer bullying, were you interested in social life or sports, did you misbehave, did you lead by example, did you take the opportunity to develop valuable skills, etc.? Explain with examples: use your own photos.


For me the high school years were the best of my life, I lived without any worries, but to get good grades😂😂 twice because from 1st to 5th grade I studied with my brother and let's say that everything was done by me😂 he was a little lazy for studies. As for me, I was always a student with good grades, although in 5th year I was less applied when I found out that those grades were not taken for the average 😂😂😂 besides in that last year there were many meetings with my study group, that six were almost always at my house, and my mom prepared delicious food for us🥰.



Those were the best years. Filled with lots of laughter, meetings between friends that I still keep to this day, and now we are in a whatsapp group because some are scattered around the world hehe!!!! But no doubt I love having contact with them still, and that we have so many beautiful memories of that beautiful time that will never return💓💓



Pictures of my property


Without a doubt for me, they were also the best years and I miss them greatly, but they are stages that we must live through and I am happy, like you, to have enjoyed them to the fullest!🩷✨✨