My perfect Family Day🥰💕 || week #221



Hello hello friends of the community I hope you are having a great weekend, back here and although there are very good proposals, I'm definitely going with this 👇👇

Draw or paint yourself or your family enjoying the weekend. (It doesn't have to be a good one, just one that you have done personally and in which you or your family are enjoying the weekend). Also, explain the drawing or painting. Use a photo of your drawing or painting as the image for your post.


Well as you may have noticed on the cover of this post, drawing is NOT my passion 😂 but I did my best to draw something that looks a bit like a human hahaha because I've always drawn with sticks haha but well I did what I could. As you can see my perfect family day is at the beach😍that place where I haven't gone for YEARS, in fact long before I had my kids, and I dream of going with them. Because besides they LOVE the water, the times we have gone to the pool they enjoy a world and besides when we are in the sports center in the sand area they are super happy, so image the fusion of the two things as they would be happy 😂 last year I promised myself that this year if we go and look where we are going and still nothing, BUT we are squaring with my childhood friends to see if we go this September, so it counts as reunion hehe hopefully if things happen!!! But without a doubt going with my little big family to the beach would be an excellent weekend💕.



And I really make it a public commitment, if this trip does not happen, even if it is in those excursions that are taking place every weekend I will go😂 because if not, 2030 will come and my children will not know the sea hahaha.
