Have I ever wished I was a Man 🤔 🤔 || Week #210

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Hello hello friends of the community, I hope you are having an excellent weekend, here thank God everything is fine, a weekend of celebration since it is father's day, as I think they also celebrate it in several Latin American countries, so if it is the case and you are a daddy and you read me, happy day💙 I hope you are the most spoiled today!!! That said, to what we came!

This week as always well varied themes haha for all tastes, but among all the first one without a doubt was my choice.

Have you ever wanted to be the opposite gender for a period of time and if so, why? How do you think it would differ from your current gender, what would you do and how would it alter your perspective when you change back? Remember to use your own photos.

And the answer is YES and a thousand times yes, in fact I have 19 years that every month at a certain date I want it with all my strength, and obviously you know that is the time I've been seeing menstruation, those 5-6 days of the month I want to be a man without a doubt because it seems to me that God went a little overboard with that of bleeding us every month😂😂 while the man is perfectly fine, and although many people say that the pain of a nephritic colic is very similar to the pain of childbirth, which is another thing that a man will never go through, I still think that they do not experience even a quarter of the pain in their lives that we women go through, from development to the moment of giving life. For that reason alone I could wish to be a man, otherwise I would love to be a man sometime.

