Are you looking for ideas to write? Join the InLeo January Posting Spree to finish this month with a bang. (If you wanna get premium for a month, read 'till the end)
This initiative aims to help you find inspiration for your posts (or Threadstorms) these last ten days of the month. To participate on the initiative the post has to be created from the
InLeo front-end.
Each day starting on Monday, 22 (counting the time on UTC Time) create a post
Use the tag corresponding to the day among the other regular tags (on Inleo you have to press ENTER or SEND to enter the tags, no the space key)
Create your own original title for your post
Once you have done your post, share it on Threads with the usual outreach threadstorm, adding the tag #postingspree.
Special days: If you want to post another personal post and not to make two posts, you can create a threadstorm instead. About 5 threads long (unless you are premium and can fit more text and images in less space)
At the end of your post, indicate that it is part of the January Posting Spree and share a link to this initiative.
You can post from the InLeo front-end to the community LeoFinance or to other communities if the topic will fit there, just keep the leofinance tag.
That's it
Give character to your posts, use a nice formatting, make them at least 350 workds long, add images. If you want help with that, just ask in the comments 😁
Share your progress on Threads, Also, don't forget to also share your content on X to attract views and receive
Evergreen rewards.
Maybe I'll can find a little surprise for those that complete the challenge 😉.
Note: Well, we already got one surprise!!!! Participating here you are elegible to win a PREMIUM account!!!
Check this post to know more:
See you In-Leo!!!
Hope you liked it, until the next time
Designed by @jes.seth
Designed by @pashinni
Posted Using InLeo Alpha