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RE: Fat and Skinny

in LeoFinance9 months ago

some businesses may die out as is natural, but it will be a breeding ground for the minds of innovative folk who can see a way through where profit can come from the wellbeing of the populace - because that is all the government would allow.

Some businesses should die out, right? I have never understood the "save the industry to keep jobs" when it is a harmful industry.

The government, to me, is supposed to function as a kind of guard against corporate interests. It's supposed to be the thing that spends money, not makes money.

Yet, they do the opposite. They protect business, because it is in their monetary interests to do so.

Politics in Finland is similar, and in Australia. They get paid "well" in terms of an average salary, but nothing fancy.

I see that one of the biggest problems with politics, is party systems. Essentially, the government should only have one party, with members who change depending on needs and qualifications. They should run similarly to a business, except with wellbeing being their "profit" they seek.


Small businesses get drowned by all the preferential treatment towards businesses 'too big to fail', which aren't too big to fail, they just refuse to have them fail b ecause they've become too dependent on them. Just look at how Ireland basically bent over and became an Apple Cuck, literally bending and changing laws specifically for them lol. Come on.

the government should only have one party, with members who change depending on needs and qualifications.

That's an interesting concept. I suppose it's somewhat how dictatorships function, albeit without the voices of the people having any influence