Bitcoin total Hash Rate going up

in LeoFinance5 months ago

One of the most interesting metrics to follow is the Bitcoin Hash Rate. In the website you can check the historical data.

All time data

Last year data

If we take a loot at last year's hash rate, we can see that the trend continues to move up. I like to see this metric going up, so far last year has been a good year. Hopefully this trend continues during all 2024.

I also found this stat: Bitcoin Profitable Days. Which shows the number of days in which holding bitcoin has been profitable relative to current price.
We can see that if you bought randomly Bitcoin it's almost certain that you are in profit.

The only people that are not in profit is people who bought at the last 2021 peak and the recent highs.
I expect this metric to be at 100% in less than 6 months.

Exciting times ahead!
Have a great weekend.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Friend, you have inLeo premium, make the most out of it by posting more!

Yes I will!