Bitcoin price in Turkey goes bananas!

in LeoFinance3 months ago


I was reading twitter and I saw a post from Michael Saylor with the Turkish Lira price for Bitcoin.
Take a look at the chart, its mind-blowing.

The price have skyrocketed to 2.3 milions of TRY. The fiat devaluation has no limits, governments will print until there is no tomorrow. If you don't hodl assets your life will be painful, just own some hard money they can't fuck with.

For people in Turkey, Bitcoin is hope, is his way to not lose all their work. It will not stop until a total collapse of the currency. We've seen many countries collapse before, Turkey is following the same fate.

I am grateful our currency is not bleeding at this rate, but in the future it will. I hope to have my future stored in hard assets when this happens. I would never understand how they can sleep at night.
Milions of people suffering for their policies, I would be ashamed.

Enjoy this long weekend, all time highs in $ dollars is coming!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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