Bitcoin ETFs inflows going faster than expected!

in LeoFinance4 months ago


Last week we had massive Bitoin ETF inflows! They were near 2.5 billion USD!
This is better than most analysts expected.

For you to see the magnitude of this numbers, here you have 2 of the best charts to put things in perspective:

1st chart from Bitcoin Magazine:

2nd chart from

In the first chart you can see that last week was the best week since the Bitcoin ETFs launched more than 1 month ago.
If this amount of buy pressure continues, I think the 52k resistance level will break in the coming days. There is no way this level of demand can be absorbed at this prices.

If you take a look at the 2nd chart, you can see that the last days have been a race to accumulate. The winners of this race are Blackrock IBIT ETF and Fidelity FBTC ETF.

I don't thin they will stop buying anytime soon, I'm expecting the update of this chart! The last data available is from 5 days ago. I'm willing to see how it evolves.

Take care out there!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Maybe ETH will also grow this spring? I'm betting on ETH.

Yes, time for ETH to shine too!
At some point there will also be ETH ETFs!

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Bitcoin etf is generating a lot of demand in the market and now there are talks that ETF for Ethereum is also expected to get approved in April or May month. What are your thoughts?