Bitcoin ETF trackers

in LeoFinance5 months ago (edited)


I've been looking for some information about the Bitcoin ETFs. I would like to know the evolution of inflows and outflows, differences between all of the approved ETFs in terms of assets under management (AUM), volumes, etc.

So far I've found some websites such as:

But there is one that for me has the best data. I will check if it is 100% accurate, but the website looks really good!

Best bitcoin ETF tracker

The best website to track the evolution of the Bitcoin ETFs is this one:

I like how the information is presented and it's regularly updated. I will be following the evolution of this data regularly.

Here's my favorite chart:

Lately, there is some FUD in the space regarding the outflows of Bitcoin from Grayscale. In this chart we can see that the Bitcoin holdings from Grayscale have gone from 600,000 Bitcoin under management to less than 500,000. I would like this number to continue this trend to 400,000 Bitcoin.

I think by the end of February we'll get to this numbers. The outflows have been decelerating since last week. I assume the trend will continue in the coming days.

Who is getting all the Bitcoin?

As you can see in this chart, Fidelity and Blackrock are winning the race. They are sucking up all the Bitcoin and are far ahead the competitors.

Super valuable information to keep track on.

Don't forget to buy Bitcoin! 🙂

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Great information! I'm starting to feel uncomfortable shorting Bitcoin :)

I like to hear it! Don't short the best asset!

I really liked IBIT from Bitwise as it is a company which created ETFs on Crypto stocks and themes for a while now (Web3, Miner…)
Also they announced they would give 10% of the profits to the Bitcoin foundation which aimed to develop Bitcoin usage and technology.

IBIT is from Blackrock, I think that BITB is from Bitwise. I also like Bitwise and their commitment to the Bitcoin development. I hope they gain market share.