@phortun´s Monday tipping contest #127: winner announcement

in LeoFinance9 months ago

Hey there my Hive friends and followers!

I am excited to announce the winner of the 127th round of my regular Monday tipping contest where the winner of each round takes 5 Hive :)


The participants of the contest were supposed to guess the price of Hive today at exactly 11:00 A.M. Central European Time (CET).

The Hive price (rounded to 3 decimal digits) at that particular moment was $0.308 as you can see in the following screen shot taken from coingecko.com today at 11:00 A.M. (CET):


I checked all submitted valid entries in the original post and the fastest correct tip $0.308 was submitted by @jenam.

Congratulation @jenam, you are the winner of this round! I have just sent you 5 Hive as the reward, you can check that in your wallet :)

Thank you everyone for your participation. I hope you enjoyed the contest. You can join the next round next week from Monday to Friday ;)

Check out the ranking of the most successful participants of the contest!

Rank Name Number of wins
3. - 4.@deepresearch5
3. - 4.@rebe.torres125
5. - 9.@krakonos4
5. - 9.@jjprac4
5. - 9.@yova4
5. - 9.@necho414
5. - 9.@jhonnygo4
10. - 13.@onlavu3
10. - 13.@olympicdragon3
10. - 13.@miriammarga3
10. - 13.@bntcamelo3
14. - 26.@borran 2
14. - 26.@shashiprabha 2
14. - 26.@maxili632
14. - 26.@gingbabida2
14. - 26.@crazy-andy2
14. - 26.@jorgebgt2
14. - 26.@faithetim2
14. - 26.@maylenasland2
14. - 26.@dswigle2
14. - 26.@rosauradels2
14. - 26.@femcy-willcy2
14. - 26.@emeka42
14. - 26.@vaipraonde2
27. - 67.@liltammy 1
27. - 67.@dronegraphica 1
27. - 67.@mastersa 1
27. - 67.@tulio77 1
27. - 67.@lavanyalakshman 1
27. - 67.@minhaz007 1
27. - 67.@oresteg1
27. - 67.@rokhani1
27. - 67.@coingecko1
27. - 67.@katrin-lux1
27. - 67.@trangbaby1
27. - 67.@firstcoast1
27. - 67.@jfang0031
27. - 67.@oldmans1
27. - 67.@fronttowardenemy1
27. - 67.@tazi1
27. - 67.@jedenjenda1
27. - 67.@aleksandra.mart1
27. - 67.@taliakerch1
27. - 67.@a-alice1
27. - 67.@crazy-bee1
27. - 67.@yeckingo11
27. - 67.@nenio1
27. - 67.@worldstories1
27. - 67.@maarnio1
27. - 67.@tokutaro221
27. - 67.@voidd1
27. - 67.@howzat1
27. - 67.@zzzinnn1
27. - 67.@zaneawilliams1
27. - 67.@johnbenn1
27. - 67.@pars.team1
27. - 67.@anujadhao1
27. - 67.@micheal871
27. - 67.@pataty691
27. - 67.@triplug1
27. - 67.@uyobong1
27. - 67.@hjrrodriguez1
27. - 67.@lovinggirl1
27. - 67.@bereal471
27. - 67.@jenam1

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Traveling, Photography, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Sport, Fitness and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)


Vida, tak jsem byl opět příliš optimistický :)

Upřímně, nemám z toho vítěze úplně radost. Ten účet patří skupině Venezuelanů, kteří v každém kole čekají na poslední možnou chvíli a pak tam pošlou větší počet velmi podobných tipů najednou. Nevím přesně, kolik lidí za tím stojí a nemám čas to zjišťovat, ale tipl bych si, že z těch 127 výher patří dobrá čtvrtina jim...

Takhle podrobně to nesleduju :) Kdybych netipoval v pondělí, zapomněl bych na to. Ale můžeš zkusit nějak upravit pravidla.

Edit: teď koukám, že vítěz má reputaci -2. Tak by asi pomohlo nastavit hranici pro reputaci, a zároveň požadovat alespoň jeden poctivý post za týden, ve kterém se soutěží. I když chápu, že kontrola těch pravidel by se asi časově nevyplatila.

Jednou se mi stalo, že mi v komentech během pár sekund přistály tipy z asi stovky účtů. To byl lehce rozpoznatelný "útok" botí farmy. Nebyl problém kontaktovat jejího majitele a vysvětlit mu, že takhle tedy ne. S těmi Venezuelci je to složitější. Za většinou z těch účtů jsou reálné osoby. Já ale nemám čas ani chuť tu jejich pochybnou síť rozkrývat, takže mě jenom trochu zamrzí, když vyhrají. Upravit pravidla není jen tak. Nechci vyřadit poctivé soutěžící, kteří třeba jen pravidelně sami nepostují. Navíc trvá fakt věčnost, než si na jakoukoliv změnu pravidel soutěžící zvyknou a začnou ji akceptovat. Tuhle tipovačku provozuju asi pět let, fotografickou soutěž zhruba čtyři. A stejně se v každém kole najdou ignoranti, kteří si s nějakými pravidly hlavu nelámou. A mě už fakt nebaví to furt dokola vysvětlovat, připomínat a upozorňovat. Většinou už to nechávám tak s tím, že soutěžní příspěvky nesplňující pravidla prostě neberu v potaz...

Congratulations! @jenam 🎯

Hey @phortun, I noticed you are using the tag 'leofinance' if you want your content to earn $leo tokens you have to publish from InLeo!

Remember you can publish to every Hive community from InLeo, which also makes you eligible for Ad Revenue and Evergreen rewards after the 7 day payout window on Hive, give it a try!

Right now there is a challenge where you can win an InLeo Premium membership for a month!

All you have to do is make long form post using InLeo before January 31st.

Thanks for creating content on the LeoFinance community!

Cool, thanks for the info Eric! So InLeo is now basically another general frontend like PeakD or Ecency, right? For any kind of content...

Yes exactly, but with Threads, Ad revenue, Evergreen rewards and it's own on-chain token hehe.

I hope you are doing good mate :D

Sounds really good. I need to look into it. Too bad I´m currently amid what probably is the busiest and craziest period of my life...

Congratulations to winner🎉🎊. Next time I will also participated.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Congrats! Never guessed it correct yet :)

Persistence is the key my friend, I´m sure your big day will come too :)

Congratulations to the winner.

I am really happy for the winner. Congratulations to the winner

Congratulations @jenam for winning 5 hive.

Many many congratulations to the winners.

@tipu curate



This post has been selected for upvote from our token accounts by @trumpman! Based on your tags you received upvotes from the following account(s):

- @dhedge.bonus
- @dhedge.pob
- @dhedge.waiv

@trumpman has 6 vote calls left today.

Hold 10 or more DHEDGE to unlock daily dividends. Hold 100 or more DHEDGE to unlock thread votes. Calling in our curation accounts currently has a minimum holding requirement of 100 DHEDGE. The more DHEDGE you hold, the higher upvote you can call in. Buy DHEDGE on Tribaldex or earn some daily by joining one of our many delegation pools at app.dhedge.cc.

Hello phortun!

It's nice to let you know that your article will take 6th place.
Your post is among 15 Best articles voted 7 days ago by the @hive-lu | King Lucoin Curator by fantagira

You receive 🎖 1.5 unique LUBEST tokens as a reward. You can support Lu world and your curator, then he and you will receive 10x more of the winning token. There is a buyout offer waiting for him on the stock exchange. All you need to do is reblog Daily Report 193 with your winnings.


Invest in the Lu token (Lucoin) and get paid. With 50 Lu in your wallet, you also become the curator of the @hive-lu which follows your upvote.
Buy Lu on the Hive-Engine exchange | World of Lu created by szejq

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congratulations to the winner.

 9 months ago Reveal Comment
 9 months ago Reveal Comment