What Would You Pay Fer Battle Frog Game Packs?

in LeoFinancelast month

Getting closer to da day of starting the Battle Frog Card Game fer all!!

A couple of price points hab garnered sum thought that may be too high and too low. So looking fer feedback as to wut Battle Frog Card Packs should be priced at.

Wut would you pay for Battle Frog Battle Card Packs?

In a pack you get two commons and one rare or better card. Pack sales will fuel da game, da PEPE token community, and prizes fer playing da Battle Frog Card Game.

We hab unopened pre-Alpha Battle Frog Card Game Packs that were used in earlier testing. Deez were priced at sum lower price. With a limited print run ob only about two hundred.

Opening packs we hab a bunch of single Battle Frog Cards!

These are also listed on a CARD and PACK MARKET

You may then play your first match for free and again for free after so many hours. Each game match after the first has a free that increases each time. When you play and win you win some things. In the case of the Meta Robots this is VOLTs ( 1 VOLT = 0.001 HBD, 1000 VOLTs = 1 HBD ).

Free to play, then 3 VOLTs, now 6 VOLTs.

Can player higher levels and potentially earn moar rewards with better, stronger cards of higher levels. With current collection having two Epic cards going to choose to play Level four in hopes of earning four to seven VOLTs and 64 XP.

So today we ask how much would YOU pay in some amount of HBD (hive Backed Dollars) would you pay for these Battle Frog Game Packs?

Thank you very much for your time and feedback. Greatly look forward to bringing you this game, packs, and cards soon!

Feels Good Man!


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Pepe Token Community Ecency - LeoFinance - PeakD

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Wut would you pay for Battle Frog Battle Card Packs?

It's tricky to say, especially because I will likely purchase them at whatever (reasonable) price. Go easy on us, it's customary to offer discounted pricing for the early adopters...

Will share another thought today. Thank you fer your feedback. And idea of discounted, maybe a discount fer buying so many packs as well fer those (willing to) take moar risk so to speak. !ALIVE !BBH

The price of the packs should be dependent on the potential for gameplay and reward. Better the gameplay and reward, the more valuable the cards.

Most games ask $3.00 HBD for their "packs", offering these at a fraction of that cost will draw a lot of attention.

Right.. one thought is like $3.69 / pack. Such to fuel rewards, and operating costs well. !BBH

Only suggestion: make it an even number, no 0.99 or 0.69

Yes me froggie liek simple "1" and will go wit dis. Dank you, you dank. !ALIVE !BBH

Well, since I'm focused on growing my HBD in Savings as much as I can, as quickly as I can, I don't use them for anything else yet, not until I have a lot more. So personally, I wouldn't be open to using HBD to buy packs. Why not in PEPE? 😁🙏💚✨🤙

Will initially be HBD. We hab bills to pay. Will be in PEPE too, in tiem. !ALIVE !BBH

Ah, got it, I understand. Such pesky tings those bills! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙