Pepe Game: An Unfrogouncement!

in LeoFinance3 months ago

Pepe game is coming.. ..coming to the Hive Blockchain with frogs, tokens,and cards! O my!

Sum comment was spotted on da blockchain! After sum frog discussion. We haz sum details to share! So let's see wut we gotz!

So dev IS happening. Step one is always to setup database tables so we have a place to store cards, packs, sales, market info. This is basically done.

Development is happening. Heading into pre-Alpha stage. Game will be played by a small group of players. Sum of our supporters have or may be invited. Dis' will be off chain. Details may be shared as sales and game play occur in dis' pre Alpha stage to gib moar update(s).

You'll see three different color frog backgrounds. These are fer the different types of battle frogs. Red fer a fighter type of frog like that of many basic games with a short range of attack. Next is da green type of battle frogs depicted by the green background as frogs tend to be green. Dis' (green) frog with a bow and arrow as an archer. Dis' frog have a mid range attack. Lastly a blue (background) frog. Dis' frog have majickal powers... Majickal reaching greater ranges allowing fer long range attack ability.

Shall have sum kind of promo card soon too. May be on moar than one Blockchain depending part on interest and sale-ability of such. Seeing if we may reach out in da crypto worlds and invite sum players to come play with us on the Hive blockchain with a Pepe flavored battle / frog type of game.

Main innovation at this first pre-alpha stage is 3 card packs rather an 5, packs contain at least 1 rare or better, packs are pre-generated rather than on-demand as currently done for MR packs. So people will be buying Unopened packs which they can keep unopened or open any time. There will be a pack market as well as a card market.

There will be three (3) card packs. With two commons and one that will be of rarity of rare or better. Packs will be pre-generated allowing fer holding collecting of unopened packs if desired. This will move to a pack market a long with single (card) market in the future. Cards will have rarities of Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary.


This will allow fer and test the Pepe game of battle frogs game.

In dis' example a pack is 300 VOLTs, the price of Pepe Game battle card packs will be different. Going to get a pack and see what we get. This will be like the Pepe game version.

In dis' pack we get four commons and one Rare. Being a five card pack. With Pepe game you will get a three card pack. This may change to four in a future release to give three commons in a pack. With one pack a player will get three cards which will be enough to play a game and try out a battle. Let's see wut we gotz!

One Rare green card, one blue common magic card, and three red common melee battle cards

With varying Health from three (3) to seven (7), Armor of zero (0) to one (1), Speed of one (1) to two (2), and Attack of one (1) to three (3).

The blue card having total stats of five (5) being the weakest, two of the red commons having a total of ten (10), and the (green) rare with a total of thirteen (13) being moar powerful being Rare and all.

Going to look on the market and see if we find a match ... and we did! There's a blue common with the same stats as ours. This means they may be combined into a higher level card.

Priced at 334 VOLTs is a little high, but makes fer a gud example and sum1 gets a gud sale. Let's go level up!

Pick Stat to Level Up: Health | Armor | Speed | Attack

We'll pick "Speed" fer dis' level up. Two Level 1 commons with the same stats being levelled up into a Level 2 Common.

Now we go play battle card game! Selecting cards we just got from the pack and the new Level two (2) powered up card!

Round 1 Action 1: Your Range weakens defender. Defender health is now 2
Round 1 Action 2: Opponent Melee weakens defender. Defender health is now 5
Round 1 Action 3: Your Melee defeats defender.
Round 1 Action 4: Your Magic weakens defender. Defender health is now 5
Round 1 Action 5: Opponent Range weakens defender. Defender health is now 3
Round 2 Action 1: Your Melee weakens defender. Defender health is now 4
Round 2 Action 2: Your Range weakens defender. Defender health is now 1
Round 2 Action 3: Your Magic defeats defender.
Round 3 Action 1: Your Magic weakens defender. Defender health is now 2
Round 3 Action 2: Your Range defeats defender.

With a win after three (3) rounds of battle!

Pack to Playing a game and winning is winning. win - win

Looking forward to the Pepe flavored froggie version of da battle card game!

Love to hear comments and reblogs and others shares are loved.

How about you?

Feels Good Man!


*notification list (comment to be added): @beckyonweb @bitphoto @efmm @elizabethbit @ganjafarmer @gregscloud @ironshield @kenny-crane @nomaddreamer @pepe.voter @thebighigg @tydynrain *

$PEPE Hive Engine - TribalDex

Pepe Token Community Ecency - LeoFinance - PeakD

P.S. Maybe find sum $PEPE with !$PEPE in your reply.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This post has been supported by @Splinterboost with a 12% upvote! Delagate HP to Splinterboost to Earn Daily HIVE rewards for supporting the @Splinterlands community!

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Another WIN, nice!

So this is a game very similar to #splinterlands but easier to learn and play.

Battle Cards is a Trading Card Game where your cards battle against other cards.

You will select 3 cards to battle against 3 cards selected by a Merc (NPC/computer).

Cards have 3 types: Melee (red), Range (green) and Magic (blue). Melee cards only attack when they are in the first position. Range cards attack when they are Not in the first position. Magic cards attack from Any position.

To battle, select your 3 cards in order based on this knowledge of how they attack. The first card you select will be in the first position, second in second position, etc. Cards will always attack the first card of their opponent. When the first card is defeated, the remaining cards all move up one position. The battle ends when one team has no cards left - the other team has won!

Cards have stats of Health, Armor, Speed and Attack. Health is lowered in attacks and a card with 0 Health is defeated and removed from battle. Armor is lowered in Melee and Range attacks before any Health is lowered. Magic lowers Health first, regardless of any Armor. Speed determines which cards attack before others. The card with the highest Speed attacks first. If multiple cards have the same Speed then the next to attack is picked randomly. Each round, every card has the opportunity to attack. Attack is the strength of the card's attack and decreases Armor and Health as explained above.

Note that Speed also affects whether an attack will happen or not. If a lower speed card is attacking a higher speed card, there is a chance that the attack fizzles/fails.

We wish you Good Luck in all your Battles!

That all sounds great! The Pepe Game is getting fleshed out, and quite quickly! 😁🙏💚✨🤙

Where flesh go? !LOLZ !ALIVE !BBH

@tydynrain! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ pepetoken. (2/20)

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@tydynrain! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (4/50)

Did you hear about the lobster that got a job at pizza hut?
He's working in the crust station.

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@tydynrain, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken

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On the bony bits! 😁🙏💚✨🤙


@pepetoken! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @tydynrain. (3/5)

@pepetoken! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ tydynrain. (5/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

My roommate keeps saying that our house is haunted.
But I've lived here for last 216 years, and haven't heard anything unusual.

Credit: reddit
@pepetoken, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of tydynrain
