Controversial tax reform plan in Belgium

in LeoFinance3 months ago

True liberals

Maurits Vander Eynde, a prominent candidate for the presidency of Open VLD in Belgium, has outlined an ambitious taxation reform plan aimed at significantly improving the purchasing power of Belgian citizens. Vander Eynde's proposal focuses on reducing the tax burden on individuals and businesses, simplifying the tax code, and incentivizing investments in the economy. His vision is rooted in the principles of liberalism, emphasizing personal freedom, economic dynamism, and a leaner government.

Key Elements of Vander Eynde’s Taxation Plan

1. Lowering Income Taxes:
Vander Eynde plans to reduce income tax rates across the board. By decreasing the marginal tax rates, he aims to leave more money in the hands of working Belgians, thereby increasing their disposable income. This measure is particularly targeted at the middle class, which has historically borne a significant portion of the tax burden.

2. Simplifying the Tax Code:
The current Belgian tax code is notoriously complex. Vander Eynde proposes a comprehensive simplification of the tax system, reducing the number of tax brackets and eliminating many of the deductions and exemptions that complicate tax filings. A streamlined tax code would not only make compliance easier for taxpayers but also reduce administrative costs for the government.

3. Reducing Corporate Taxes:
To spur economic growth and attract foreign investment, Vander Eynde advocates for a reduction in corporate tax rates. By making Belgium a more attractive destination for businesses, he expects to stimulate job creation and enhance the overall economic environment. This, in turn, would bolster consumer confidence and spending.

4. Encouraging Investment in Innovation:
Vander Eynde's plan includes tax incentives for companies that invest in research and development. By fostering a culture of innovation, he aims to position Belgium as a leader in high-tech industries, driving economic growth and creating high-paying jobs.

Improving Purchasing Power

The core of Vander Eynde’s taxation strategy is the belief that lower taxes will lead to higher purchasing power for Belgian citizens. Here’s how:

Increased Disposable Income:
Lower income taxes directly increase the take-home pay of workers. With more disposable income, individuals can spend more on goods and services, which boosts demand and stimulates economic activity.

Enhanced Consumer Confidence:
A simplified tax code and a more transparent taxation system can improve consumer confidence. When people feel secure about their financial future and understand their tax obligations, they are more likely to make significant purchases, such as homes and cars, which are critical drivers of the economy.

Business Growth and Employment:
Reduced corporate taxes and incentives for innovation can lead to business expansion and job creation. With more employment opportunities and potentially higher wages from thriving businesses, the overall standard of living can improve.

Lower Prices:
If businesses face lower tax burdens, they may pass some of these savings onto consumers in the form of lower prices for goods and services, further enhancing purchasing power.


Maurits Vander Eynde's taxation plan represents a bold shift towards a more liberal economic policy in Belgium. By reducing taxes, simplifying the tax system, and fostering an environment conducive to business growth and innovation, Vander Eynde aims to significantly improve the purchasing power of Belgian citizens. His proposals promise not only immediate financial relief for individuals but also long-term economic benefits that could position Belgium as a competitive player on the global stage. As the potential president of Open VLD, his vision reflects a commitment to liberal values and the prosperity of all Belgians.




And how (or who) are they going to pay for these tax cuts? What massive austerity measures are needed to make this work without the government defaulting on their already high debt? Sounds a bit like the trickle down economics from Mrs Truss to me...

Austerity measures in the government itself would be great! They simply cannot raise taxes anymore, we’re already the highest taxed country in the world…

I see. It's pretty high there indeed. Is that (partly) because of the complex governmental structure or just a choice by the federal (or regional) government?

Mostly due to complexity of the heavy and overpaid governmental structure, corruption (which is never said out loud, but truly is a fact on the higher levels), ...

I sincerely hope so! This plan, or at least lowering income taxes, lowering the overall cost of the government, and lowering the general financial burden on the people is not just a fancy thing, it is a must!
Fingers crossed!
Unfortunately, Open-VLD is not in the best position for bargaining…

Fact, but this will get a following!

That I certainly do hope!!! It is a great initiative and way of thinking!

🤣 you made my daily laugh!!! I mean, the hole system is a joke, politics is just a cheap show, but in Belgium is like the 2nd row in the theatre of politics, next to EU (if US get the 1st row). especially, seeing election turnouts, it's declining pretty much everywhere, and people awake, what a pointless show it is worldwide, but not in Belgium! 😃

I mean, expecting significant changes in a country where they successfully totally divided the politics, society, having like 10+ parties with 5-10% support... top of that the same money owners behind this guy, gang like Michel, Trudeu, Rutte... 🤣

sure, they will fix everything - but definitely taxation! -, even that, what cannot be fixed, even if they really would like to. but they don't even want. anyway, it's not their and their owners interest.

great that i've found your post!!! 😂

Hé, I would be very surprised too, if anything like this would make it. But at least it's an attempt 😎

Taxes have been imposed within our country, which will have less than 200 units, the bill will be 3,000, and if the unit is more than 200, the bill will be 9,000.


 3 months ago Reveal Comment

If @pele23 has to write blog posts full of lies to get your low value token then @pele23 should just go and write tabloid articles about alien butt probes for fiat dollars.