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RE: Converting Europe Into Open Air Museum (Real Estate Mania) .:. Late Night Blogging

in LeoFinance2 months ago (edited)

Don't think I'm kidding you when I write "only 20%, lucky you!".

Serbia is not a real tourist destination, but it faces the same situation you wrote about, the decades-long population migration from the countryside to the big cities.
Especially Belgrade, Novi Sad and Nis.
With an additional burden on RE, which you in Spain probably did not feel. Migration of people from Ukraine and Russia.
Their emigration and search for apartments for rent in Novi Sad and Belgrade, where now at every step I can hear the Ukrainian or Russian language (I don't know how to make a difference, if there is one) was used by the owners of apartments for rent to such an extent that they rented apartments increased by 50%, by 100%...
I can't write about the state of the RE market in my city in this comment, so I'll write a post at some point 🙂

PS. In addition to Spain, Italy also has many tourist attractions, and Rome (the old city center) is literally an open-air museum - we commented on that a few years ago when we were on a tourist trip.


Serbia is not a real tourist destination, but it faces the same situation you wrote about, the decades-long population migration from the countryside to the big cities.

Believe it or not, there was (and probably still is) a similar situation here, where you could buy a whole village for 5-10K EUR in some rural areas of Spain... The government took some measures and offered the RE for young people for a cheap price, but with a commitment to stay there for X years... The problem isn't solved completely, but it looks like we (and other locals) will go to those villages as we will not be able to pay the rent... lol... So, that problem will be solved by another problem... hahahaha 😂

With an additional burden on RE, which you in Spain probably did not feel. Migration of people from Ukraine and Russia.

Yeah, a similar problem is in Hungary with migration from war-affected countries... We have people from Russia and Ukraine here in Spain too, but I doubt that they are from the same "class" as those at your place... These here are with BMW, Mercedes, Jeep, and other huge cars... Fit in with wealthy Norwegians and Dutch people...

PS. In addition to Spain, Italy also has many tourist attractions, and Rome (the old city center) is literally an open-air museum - we commented on that a few years ago when we were on a tourist trip.

When you remind me of Rome, I will be that "tourist" as I want to go to visit it... lol... So, we are also part of the problem, too! 😃

Did you hear that because of us, "boring tourists", the authorities of Venice made a decision to charge entry into the city...
As if €5 will turn away someone who came to visit this city 🙂
But well, little by little, they fill the budget in all ways...

That's the perfect example of converting a city into a museum! They even have to pay for the visit! Coming soon into the city close to you... lol...

In Serbia? Then I could list the cities... To start with the letter A 🙂

Coming soon into the city close to you... lol...

That was more like a reference to the saying:
"Coming close to your cinema..." I was thinking of creating more cities like Venice, where we will have to pay an entrance fee... :)

But, now that you mentioned visits... 😃 Would you be open for a HiveMeetup in Belgrade in mid-August? Around 17-18th? 🙂

It depends on the term of the summer vacation, which we have not yet defined. The June tour of Barcelona completely disturbed us, because it was supposed to be a "summer" holiday, and since we froze there, there is a need to repeat it, with a tour of some warm destination.
The option for an additional holiday is in August, so if we decide on the beginning of the month, I will be glad to meet you that weekend.
But if the vacation date is in the middle of the month, unfortunately, I won't be there... We'll see...