9th participation - HPUD 1st March 2024

in LeoFinance3 months ago

It's time to power up again

It's my 10th participation at #pud in a row and the fourth in 2024.

Hey Hivians it's the fourht power up day in 2024 and I did it again. 😎
It's my 10th power up day participation in a row. I powered up another 10 HP 😀

Usually I use @ecency app for powering up and did so this time again.

I'm lacking of much liquid §Hive and wanna continue my monthly power ups. So this time it will be only 10 HP. As the price dropped over night I might buy some more over the day.

Powering up using @ecency app is easy. It's just putting the right amount in the window and press next and confirm with hivesigner and it's done 😊

And here is the proof that I really staked 10 HP 💪

The balance of $hive in my wallet shrinked to 2 $hive but my HP increased by 10 💪

Right now I've got 2751 HP staked and enjoying to watch the numbers increasing.

And now I wish you all a happy 2024 with eight more #hpud to come. Always keep powering up and see you on May 1st.

Thanks for reading and if you want Follow me



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