7th participation - HPUD 1st January 2024

in LeoFinance6 months ago

It's time to power up again

It's my 7th participation at #pud in a row and my first in 2024.

Hey Hivians it's the first power up day in 2024 and I did it again. 😎
It's my 7th power up day participation in a row. I powered up another 50 HP 😀

50 HP this time is half the amount I was powering up compared to December 😎

As usual I used Ecency app for powering as it works easy on my phone.

I started this year with 2300 HP and have now 2350 HP

It's just putting the right amount in the window and press next and confirm with hivesigner and it's done 😊

And here is the proof that I really staked 50 HP 💪

And now I wish you all a happy 2024 with 11 more #hpud to come.

Thanks for reading and if you want Follow me




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You powered-up at least 50 HP on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 2 badge
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

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