Thanks for the welcome back simp boy. No I'm not looking for any of your coins. But if I do get any I will give them away for free to anyone that wants the shitcoin. I'm only an asshole to those who deserve ass hole treatment, and yes you are one of them?
Now about that statement about me and trump DNA, what are you saying about my mother? Yo fnd that a nice thing to do talking about my mom like that?
RIP mae.
Now you can obviously see why I also think your garbage. My problem is you, not your family. I may say things like your wife is your boss, but i'd never say you and biden share the same DNA because I would be calling your mom a slut indirectly. I believe your mother maybe a nice woman, with a rotten kid. I don;t know her so I wouldnt say things like that about her. But youre a enlightened piece of garbage.
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