What Happened To The Metaverse?

in LeoFinance6 months ago

It seems like you don't hear much about the metaverse these days. It's mainly quantum computing and AI along with how it's either going to change our lives forever or destroy us all.

The metaverse was once so popular just 3-4 years ago that mega corps like Facebook (renamed to Meta) jumped on board and tried their best to create the metaverse.

At the time it made sense. Everyone was locked up in their house and no one was going out. It was a way for people to still connect to each other and have social interaction in a way that felt much like if someone was there in the room with you.

It was actully a good thing and I personally still believe it's a good thing but in select cases such as hanging out with long distance friends and family.

Meta Crypto

The metaverse mainly started with crypto with plot lands being sold for unreal amounts of money. It became a massive industry and took in floods of money. But once the economy opened back up it seemed like the metaverse came crashing down along with the rest of the crypto market.

The question now is since we are in a new bull market and most likely still the start of one will the metaverse recover or is it simply doomed to never have the demand it once did?

Meta and Business

We also saw the so called Metaverse explode in the business aspect of things as well. Companies needed to find a way to track employees work and stay connected through meetings. The biggest issue with this however quickly became that people didn't want to feel like they were always being watched. Many shut off cameras, mics or just felt like their every moment was being tracked to an aggressive level.

Here's one thing I legit hate about the USA work force. There's so many laws and rules that if you bust your butt off for a company 9 times out of 10 you're going to get paid just as much and some times less then the lazy under performing person.

There's no real incentive there. You work your butt off and even if you make the company more money you see nothing of it at least in most cases. It would be different in the people that worked there owned stock as an easy way to go about having some type of benefit for performing better as a company overall but also I feel like there should always be normal pay and then pay based on personal contribution and building wide production. Some type of incentive to always do better and strive for better as the company does well you get a little kick back from it.


I touched a bit on this above but anything recorded or transferred online is always subject to being hacked or released out into the wilds. People can often find this to be a violation of privacy but on a company level secrets or plans could potentially be exposed.

So the real question is, is the metaverse something that can come back or is it for the most part dead?

In my opinion it's pretty much dead it don't see it ever having a boon again like it did back in 2020. Of course I do believe it will still be around to some extent for keep companies connected but in terms of gaming if there's a project that's mainly focused on the metaverse I feel they are going to seriously struggle.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The Metaverse sprang up in a big way during the plannedemic and was looking pretty good until they opened everything back up and people started to actually go back outside and into society again.

Exactly that was the mega birth of it and then the fall of it. I don't see it ever recovering to those levels again. I think it will still be a thing with some progression and people wanting it but nothing crazy.


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