Exploring the Exclusive World of Billionaires: Behind the Scenes

in LeoFinance7 months ago

You know while we have about 7.9 billion people in the world, there are about 3200 people who live completely different from everyone else, and these people are referred to as Billionaires. These people are global class elites, who go around the world making a world for themselves, shaking hands, making deals and enjoying world class luxury. I wanted to discuss these billionaires a little and maybe mind my business after I am done ranting.

First, I have noticed that these class of elites as well as a few multi millionaires find their way to Saint Barthelemy, a former french colony in the Carribbean. You would find the billionaires with names in this island on important celebrations especially days like New Year celebrations. These people meet, and then have their own private parties. It is in this private parties that lots of deals are signed that we do not know but they shape our world.


Once most billionaires are done at this place, they usually find themselves in Switzerland for the World Economic forum and these forum cover unemployment, Artificial Intelligent, and Climate Change. Most times, it looks like what they do here in front of the camera is just for the glamor because most of the news we hear after the events are not even related to the things that were discussed in the summit. This means that most of the deals are done behind the camera.

The forum is attended by world leaders, business leaders, and industries magnates and they may find themselves in Davos to discuss what they want behind the camera. You want to ask yourself why you can't attend the forum? Well, the answer is simple, the WEF is attended strictly by invitation where people who attend must be members of the forum which cost 52 thousand dollars after which the ticket for the summit itself is 19 thousand dollars. Oh, you are rethinking your thoughts, I guess you did. While the money might look like a lot for you, it isn't for these business magnates since they are business paid expenses and the deals they make there are lucrative enough compared to the fees.

Another place these billionaires go to is the SUN valley conference that was founded in 1983 and it has been hosted in Idaho for the longest of time. The summit is named the Informal Summer Camp for Billionaires and their Entourages. This place is off limit for cameras only when they are going in and it is believed that almost all big deals with corporations like Coca-cola, Google, Linkedin, and so on happens. This place isn't a place for all laughs, it is a place where deals strengthen or cripple powers around the world.


The clandestine world of billionaires extends beyond opulence and luxury, delving into exclusive gatherings that wield significant influence over global affairs. From the secluded celebrations of Saint Barthelemy to the exclusive forums in Switzerland and covert conferences in Idaho, these events underscore the unseen hand of billionaires shaping our world. In the corridors of these elite spaces, deals are struck, alliances are forged, and the fate of industries and nations hangs in the balance.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Interesting rant! I didn't knew about this before. I think this exclusive class seem like a different breed of humans, towering on top of the world deciding how things will work for the rest of us.

Yes they are a different breed, and they just live their lives to make deals that affects us while growing their wealth.

We could probably have our first modern day trillionaire in the next decade.