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RE: Film Review: The Informers (2008)

in Movies & TV Shows2 months ago

I have never heard of the film The Informers and I have also never heard of Brett Easton Ellis, I appreciate you bringing his work to my attention.

I am always interested in films that a more independent and do not have a major studio backing them or films which are backed by big money but nonetheless push back on the mainstream in some way - American Beauty comes to mind.

The Informers looks like a film that I would really enjoy actually and I will clearly have to look it up. I like films that expose the truth in all its ugliness and let's be honest there is a lot of ugliness in Hollywood and the lives of society's elites. Many of these peoples' lives are utterly devoid of morality.

You mention that the film was released to a poor reception and low box office figures, as a result of poor distribution. Now this doesn't surprise me at all. Given the nature of the film there's a good chance that Hollywood put out the word - sink it.

Thank you for shining a spotlight on The Informers, perhaps we can help it achieve some kind of cult status.