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RE: Lost - Semi Review

in Movies & TV Shows13 days ago

I remember when it first came out. I watched it on a small box television that must've been about 11". I was hooked from the first episode. I followed it religiously throughout its first season, made sure I never missed an episode. Then after the first season, it switched to a channel only on Sky. We didn't have Sky at the time. I was so mad at that, I didn't get to follow it from there on. Never did manage to get back into it!


I never had Sky, so I have missed a few things. It is on Disney+, so I could watch it now. I am working through Game of Thrones on charity shop DVDs for now.

I'm definitely missing Disney+. Really disappointing that they aren't operating here in Georgia. They also don't in Armenia. Weirdly they are in Turkey though which is basically neighbouring both countries. Might be an EU Thing.

You should get yourself a VPN, they're relatively cheap, and there are many benefits to having them, but the main one is that you can open every library of each streaming service.

Plug a laptop into the TV and you're good to go.

That's so annoying when stuff like that happens. It's on Netflix, and I think it's on Disney too, but not sure.

You should watch a recap of the first season and start from season 2.