The Comedy Open Mic Weekly Showcase

in Comedy Open Mic9 months ago


This is our weekly showcase where we highlight posts in this community shared here in the last seven days. These are the posts that have impressed us at COM the most.

Now, let's get into this week's showcase.


@diebitch - Honest job interview

What if job interviews were honest? Then you could skip the formalities and answer those inane questions exactly as you want. Then the interviewers can decide if you've got enough corporate stoogeness but not ambition so that you do not pose a threat to them.Here's an example of a very honest job interview.
The SceneThree brownnosers who slack off at work and find excuses to avoid it hit on a perfect one: the recruitment panel. They are in it for the free food, lack of actual work, and also because they cannot leave their "What have you achieved?" section in their performance appraisal empty.
They nod at each other, acknowledging each other's incompetence.
The nervous candidate walks in with a smile pasted on his face like badly done Photoshop.


@phyna - Hilarious Holiday Hijinks — Xmas Shopping With Precious

Did you brave the Christmas shopping madness? And if you did, I'm dying to know just how much stuff you managed to snag. I get it though, times are tough, and maybe you're too mature to rock Christmas clothes.
But me? I'm still a baby when it comes to Christmas shopping. It's like a must-do for me. I mean, I've got a bunch of red clothes that I've never worn, but they just don't have that same magic if they weren't bought during Christmas.


@kingsleyy - Suddenly- We were almost connected

In the little time I've lived on this planet, the people I call friends today were once total strangers, and we got connected through things (plus irrelevant things) that occurred. Before we knew it, good friendship had been made.
In my former workplace, a very big eatery, we were privileged to watch TV as we liked, and there was electricity 24/7. Due to the fact that I was the only guy among the ladies, the manager entrusted the remote to me to be in charge of controlling what they watch. He did that because the ladies often got carried away with irrelevant TV programs like Big Brother Naija, which was responsible many times for food burning in the kitchen while the chefs were busy in our sector watching the TV show. I wonder what would have happened if a TV were installed in the kitchen.


@diikaan - New ME

I've changed for real, not after what happened to me last month. Last year for me was really hectic and fruitful when it comes to the fairer sex. I was a legend in the field and it even showed in many of my posts in this community. That was untill my bank app sent me the yearly report of my spendings and the column that scared me the most was the one labeled "Amount invested in the hairy bank" which read an astronomical sum for a couple of 2 seconds climaxes.
Nobody in his right senses ever pays that much just to feel good for two seconds and I want to believe that I was robbed. And to think that almost all of those were just roadside picks, damn! I'm stupid.



The new year has just started and as always January feels like it's not ending anytime soon. January always feels like it has it's own specially allocated hundred day period compared to the thirty of the other months. How do I know?
We've barely crossed the one week line and I already see people who were ballers in december look like they've gone through a rollercoaster of financial stress.
The December money bags are desperately trying to hide the fact that they're still around.


These are this week's showcase posts. They are funny, well-written, and outright amazing. Make sure to check them out.

Thank you for reading

Remember to comment the links to your posts in our COMmunity below.