Luxembourg Ville Haute

in Worldmappin6 months ago

It's been two months since I shared my last trip with you. The reason for it simple though. There is so much to do this year that we don't get to travel at all. Between visiting our families, taking care of the garden and other things we don't have neither the time nor the energy to travel. However, we have a short trip planned at the end of April and I can't wait to take you (even only virtually) with us!

Today, I will show you around Luxembourg ville. In the past, I showed you around the Grund, but now I will take you to the Ville Haute or the Upper Town. Luxembourg has a special place in my heart and although many people might find it too small or too boring I do believe that everyone can find something interesting there. There is a large international community and it's so easy to make friends there. We used to travel to Luxembourg several times each year, but now we're happy when we manage one trip per year. Life happens and we simply have to go along with it.

We will start our tour at The Plateau Bourbon with the grandeur building of the Savings Bank. To me it looks like an old castle or a palace, but in fact it is only over 100 years old. It was built after the construction of The Adolphe bridge which connects this part of the city with Ville Haute.


On the other side of the road is a similar building which also belongs to the bank. They were both built at the request of the Luxembourg government to create a monumental building in this avenue. If you continue down the avenue you will get to the main train station.


The Adolphe bridge is a popular place in Luxembourg as you can enjoy great views of the city when you're crossing it. It is also a part of the official trails of the city. There are always some people standing at various places taking photos and I enjoy joining them and being a tourist for a moment. Well, I don't live in Luxembourg, but I don't consider myself a tourist when I'm there either.


It was a windy and cold day, so I didn't spend much time on the bridge but I couldn't miss to take a photo of this cute pixel Smurf.


Luxembourg is one of the greenest cities that I have ever visited. When you walk in one of the large parks you feel like in the middle of the forest.


When you walk on the city walls there are a few viewing platforms. One of them is The Platz der Nation with the view of the bank and a park called Garden Luxembourg. I have tried to get to the garden, but didn't find the entrance.


At the time of its construction the Alphonse bridge had the biggest stone arch in the world.



This photo reminds me of the Hohenzollern castle in Germany. Of course, the castle looks very different, but it is also surrounded by the woods and it's somehow what I thought about when I saw this photo.


We're approaching The Cathedrale Notre Dame which is regularly visited also by the Grand Duke of Luxembourg.


Not so long ago I thought that Notre Dame was only in Paris. I had no idea that it actually meant Our Lady, and that every church/cathedral dedicated to our lady in French speaking countries would be called a Notre Dame 😊


Let's go inside!


I remember when I visited the cathedral for the first time I was not very impressed. It is large, but rather empty. It doesn't look like a typical Catholic church, and I wonder if the reason is that it was built by Jesuits, and maybe left like this after it became a Catholic church.

However, the stained glass windows are impressive. I like the colors playing around the cathedral in the afternoon. It was pretty!


There is so little decoration, so the stained glass windows really stand out. The stone pillars have interesting patterns, and to me it looks much older than it actually is. It only dates back to the 17th century, so it's one of the younger churches.


Look at the delicate stone work around the arches...


The William Square is only a few steps away from the Cathedral. This is probably the most lively square in Luxembourg ville. There is the Town Hall building, the tourist office, and many events are organized here too.

The square is dominated by a large statue of William II - King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg.


It was surprisingly quiet when I visited, but people kept coming out of the parking garage, so I didn't have a chance to take a photo without a person in it. But later I noticed that there is also a plane in this photo! Can you see it?


The Town Hall building looks like a beautiful mansion. The bronze lions on both sides of the staircase were added about 100 years ago. In the past, there used to be a monastery in this place, but the building was dismantled and replaced. Town Hall


The shopping part of the city is right behind the corner of the Town Hall. You can find all major brands that you would find in any other European city.


At first I thought I would go inside of this church, but then I realized it was under reconstruction. However, there was a door on one side of the church which led me to a cool cafe! What a great idea!


The war memorial is one of those places that you can't miss when you go on a walk in Luxembourg. It's in the central location and I'm almost certain that all walking trails get here at some point. It is called The Monument of Remembrance, but it is more known as Gëlle Fra or the Golden lady. In my opinion, it is a pity that it is surrounded by a large parking area as it would deserve more respect.


I think I found my favorite street in Luxembourg! It makes me think of Prague, and I love that little arch in the back.


There are so many churches in such a small place...


I have also come across some funny details...


And butterflies! Last time when I visited the city there were colorful umbrellas hanging across the city. This time it was butterflies and I wonder what we will see next.






I have also found some cute corners. If the restaurant would be open at that time I would definitely go inside.


Whatever this is...


And finally I found a place to sit down and warm a little bit. It was so cute with wooden details and dried meadow flowers.



And did I mention they had delicious cakes? YUM!


As I've been talking about parks it wouldn't be right not to take you to one of them, and that cake was heavy too, so a little walk would do me good...

Let's walk around!



Could it be more green?

If I would live here I would probably go to the valley everyday. I would even start jogging if there would be such trails around me 😊



After the walk I returned to the hotel to get ready for dinner with our friends. It was such a nice day, and I'm looking forward to visit the city again.

Thank you for reading!



Jéé konečně zas nějaký článek i na tomhle profilu :) Dneska už to přečíst nestihnu, tak si tu zatím jen odložím Tipáky a zítra přijdu znovu :D

@tipu curate 7

Síce nemám nič nové, ale našla som nejaké fotky z Luxemburska, tak som sa rozhodla o tom napísať, aby si ľudia nemysleli, že som na nich zabudla 😁

Dúfam, že sa máte dobre 😍

Píšeš, že na konci dubna pojedete někam na výlet, tak zas bude nový matroš na články ;) Já jsem si říkal, že ty parky jsou na současnou dobu nějak moc zelené, že tohle asi bude z loňska :) No ale jako paráda! To město je fakt nádherné. Čisté, vkusné, elegantní. Přesně tak nějak si představuju Lucembursko (a Švýcarsko :D). Ta ulička opravdu připomíná Zlatou uličku v Praze ;) Až se ani nechce věřit, že má takhle majestátní město jen nějakých 135 tisíc obyvatel, působí větší. Co mě ovšem zaujalo ještě víc, je fakt, že víc jak 70% obyvatel tvoří cizinci! Tomu říkám multi-kulti hotspot! :D

Krásný slunečný, jarně-letní víkend přeju! Tady má být o víkendu 27 stupňů, to abych začal hledat plavky :D

Zas nebude to niečo veľmi výnimočné, ale materiál by mal byť. Pravdu povediac, už veľmi ani nevidím zmysel písať tie dlhé články, lebo ma to stojí kopec času a zdá sa mi, že rewards sú stále nižšie a nižšie a to ma dosť demotivuje. Ak by som mala viac času, tak okej, ale snažím sa toho zkĺbiť veľa a veľmi mi to za to tu nestojí. Na tom druhom účte je to v pohode, keďže tam mi to trvá, tak 15 minút napísať.

Luxemburg je naozaj super a stále dúfam, že sa tam na dôchodok presťahujeme 😊 Väčšina obyvateľov je z Francúzska, keďže jazyk je rovnaký a zarobia tam oveľa viac ako za hranicami. Ale sú tam aj Európske inštitúcie, takže je tam samozrejme veľa iných národností 😊

A tak myslím, že voda je ešte studená 😂

Chápu. Ale myslím, že sis tou kvalitou těch postů tady na tom hlavním účtu na sebe trochu upletla bič. Jsou to opravdu jedny z nejdelších a nejkvalitnějších článků, co se na Hive objevují a když to porovnáš třeba s tím svým druhým účtem, kde věřím, že tě to psaní i víc baví, protože je to takové odlehčené, tak rozdíl v těch odměnách v podstatě žádný není. Naopak, někdy ti ten zahradní report vydělá víc než super obsáhlý cestovatelský článek. A co se těch odměn týče... Je mi jasné, že pro tebe, expatku žijící ve Švýcarsku, je odměna za článek v hodnotě desítek dolarů pořád spíše jen symbolická. Ale zase máš tu výhodu, že to nemusíš vybírat a můžeš si v klidu počkat na pořádnou alt season, kdy se z těch desítek stanou stovky a to i zpětně, pokud to budeš držet ;) Věřím, že takové odměny za blogování už pak budou aspoň trochu zajímavé i pro Švýcary a Lucemburčany. Třeba na kafe by to mohlo stačit :D

Presne tak, a ako vravíš, aj ma to viac baví 😊 A tak či tak som v lete na záhrade viac ako na cestách 😁 Jasné, že je tá hodnota symbolická, ale beriem to viac z nadhľadu. Myslím to tak, že si to predstavujem možno ako likes a na tom druhom účte ich je občas fakt viac. A ako vravíš našťastie tie odmeny nepotrebujem vyberať, tak možno raz sa mi to oplatí 😁

Donedávna som stále verila, že sa raz vrátim na Slovensko a toto sa mi hodí na dôchodok (v podstate aj keby cena ostala rovnaká, tak môj učet ako je teraz by už stačil na pár rokov pohodového života na východe Slovenska), ale po prezidentských voľbách som to nadobro vzdala a požiadam o Švajčiarské občianstvo, takže ak tu chceme zostať alebo ísť do Luxemburska, tak by sa to fakt muselo veľmi znásobiť, aby sme z toho niečo mali 😁

Naprosto chápu Marťo, na slovenské politické scéně je to teď jedna katastrofa za druhou :/ Mafiána s krví na rukách si zvolíte za premiéra a teď mu k tomu ještě pošlete kámoše do prezidentského paláce, aby to měli ve funkcích co nejpohodlnější. Je mi z toho smutno a vůbec se nedivím, že se slovenským expatům za zahraničí nebude chtít vracet domů, ani na ten důchod :(

Awww... Looking at this post has been an exquisite "photographic experience" and also enjoying a very well prepared article... As always coming from you @delishtreats friend ... Great author!... Thanks a lot for sharing!

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@delishtreats! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @jlinaresp. (3/5)

Thanks a lot for your support and for your kind words 😊 I love hearing that people like my work 😉

 6 months ago Reveal Comment

Interesting place and structures. Thank you for sharing @delishtreats

Thank you for stopping by! 😊

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Wow, really amazing place. I really enjoyed this virtual tour with all your beautiful shots and brief😎

Thank you for your support! 😊

It was a wonderful and lovely walk, many beautiful things I stopped at every picture to see in detail, I did not know the meaning of the word Notre Dame, I pray God give me the opportunity to go to such a beautiful place in this life.

Thank you for taking me for a ride. @delishtreats

I'm glad to hear that I wasn't the only one 😁

Thank you for stopping by!

How I missed seeing your publications! A very beautiful place, which transports me to a fairy tale, or rather of princesses. That church with those stained glass windows is beautiful and the nature area at the end is enchanting. Thank you very much!❤️

Thank you for stopping by, my dear! 😊 I will try to do my best to keep posting 😉

I will always look forward to your wonderful publications!❤️

Can you see it?

I see the plane and the person leaving the parking garage both in this shot

delicious cakes? YUM!

Yum Yum

Its fun the parks in the urban setting. I think they seem more green and more relaxing as a contrast to the city around them. I also like the newer building built with the grandeur of past times. Some places manage to mix in modern architecture with the old but many fail in particularly ugly ways lol

I agree, Switzerland is one of those countries that fail to mix in modern architecture 😂 Those buildings in the old towns are terrible!

Hope, you're doing well 😊

Wow! That greenery really gets to me, and the buildings are fantastic. Certainly a lovely post.


Thank you for stopping by! 😊

Always a pleasure, and I also keep an eye out for your posts as they are very good 😲
A great thank you also for supporting my posts 🙏


I don't travel at the moment, so I don't use this account, but I have another one when I post about my hobbies, gardening and short walks. It's called @planfuljourney.

Always my pleasure! 😊

Ah! I understand and thank you for the link, as I will have a look.

Hope that you will have a great weekend 😁


 6 months ago Reveal Comment
 6 months ago Reveal Comment

About Ville Haute, this is the first time I've heard of this building. It's a really beautiful building. I like his regal style

Thank you for stopping by! 😊

Wow, what a beautiful architecture you have there, and the trees all around the city 😍

It's a beautiful city 😊 Thank you for stopping by!

Hello, Martina!

Lovely to see your post and to remember my very recent visit to Luxembourg!
I've posted couple of months ago (and I capture the same smurf!


I surely miss the public transportation system and the organized streets...

Since I have one big friend living there with his wife and kids, maybe I'll visit them in the Schueberfouer!


I hope you get to visit them soon 😊 Oh, I love seeing that you noticed that Smurf too 😊

Have a lovely day!

That Smurf it's probably the tile art most photographed in Luxembourg 🤭

Welcome back. The stained glass photo looked really wonderful. The different colors and its effect was magical. I do agree that the inside is a bit simpler compared to the usual ones, but the architectural design is really nice. The contrast of the simple design with the beautiful stained glass gives a really nice effect.

Thank you, but I've never really left 😊 I've just didn't post, but I'm always around 😊

Hope, you're doing well 😘

Sorry for the confusion, that's what I meant. I missed your castle, palace, and other travel posts. Glad to see them again.

It is true that life has become very busy with every relationship which makes it difficult to go out and travel but if you want to get rid of the worries from the mind then once in a month it is like this. Must go to visit beautiful places. All these scenic places are very beautiful. I myself like this view very much when there are clouds in the sky and blue sky is visible.

Thank you for your comment 😊

Most welcome dear.

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And butterflies! Last time when I visited the city there were colorful umbrellas hanging across the city

Wow! I love the butterflies, they are so beautiful!!

You did have a swell time my Lady😃

I did 😊 Thank you for stopping by!

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Oh my god, I missed this! 😵

What a beautiful journey, sometimes life goes by without enjoying it because we have little time. I feel that sometimes you have to take time from where you don't have time to enjoy these beautiful moments.

I also really like traveling, traveling makes us calm and fun

and the pictures you posted are very beautiful, the shots are beautiful

Good afternoon friends, best wishes to all of us. How are you today. May the best always be for you.I saw the structure of the building or the architecture of the building which was quite interesting in the picture that my friend showed. @delishtreats

It's a really nice place with buildings with extraordinarily beautiful art.

Luxembourg Ville Haute looks stunning! Your post beautifully highlights its charm and rich history. Definitely a must-visit destination!

:) wow, all great pics. i luv that clown! :P

 6 months ago (edited)Reveal Comment