The drippings of the soul🤍

in Blockchain Poetsyesterday


I had a deep cut.
The blood was just dripping heavily.
It was wasting, and I could feel some emptiness in me.
I was so focused on saving myself.
Because it seemed I was dying.

I was afraid all through the process.
Can I be able to save myself?
Do I need to go through all this pain and emptiness?
It was as if I were disappearing gradually.

I need help!
Someone save me!
I can't do this alone.
The world is filled with a lot.
But I would rather not leave the world.

In my subconscious, I went into deep thinking.
People who commit suicide, how do they do it?
Do they fight to live at some point?
Like, do they not do anything when all the harm they caused for themselves starts playing out?

Suicide isn't an option in life.
Forcing something unpleasant to occur.
I believe at that point, there are regrets.
And there is a force to fight to live.
But then, it is too late.

Thank you very much for stopping by my blog.


Nice poem dear.

Suicide is never an option, no matter the situation.

Thank you very much ma'am
Indeed suicide is not good.

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Thank you very much for the support 😊