A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words - In Hiding.

in Freewriters4 months ago

What do you see?

A dog hiding under the blanket

What do you feel?

The dog is hiding from its master because it has done what is wrong.

Story: In Hiding

Pa Jones had a farm with many animals and crops. Since Pa Jones retirement from active service, he had ventured into farming. In his farm he had goats, sheep, cows, rabbits, birds and a dog named Teddy. All the animals lived happily in the farmstead.

There was also a large expanse of land where Pa Jones used in growing crops. Pa Jones crop production was so much that many people in the neighboring cities usually came to him to buy farm products.

Pa Jones grew cereals and cowpeas. Millet, rice, beans, sorghum, maize, and wheat were the major crops grown in Pa Jones farm. Consumers both industrial and domestic came to buy these grains from Pa Jones.

Teddy, Pa Jones’ dog was always with him. It was a companion and a security enhancer in the farm. Pa Jones used Teddy to detect the presence of predators around his farm. Teddy knew all of Pa Jones' animals and livestock. It watched them and ensured that other wild creatures did not harm them.

One day, some customers from a feed mill in the city came to buy grains from Pa Jones. While Pa Jones was attending to them, Teddy noticed something moving in the grain store. It thought that it was an invading rodent from the bush. It quickly chased it and grabbed it so deadly that it couldn't survive. But sadly, that was one of Pa Jones rabbits which had come out of its cage and went to eat the grains.

The incident made Teddy sorry and ran into hiding. It thought that Pa Jones would be very angry with it. Pa Jones had reacted in anger when he discovered that the wounds the dog inflicted on the rabbit was so severe that it won't be able to survive. But the customers around pleaded that he should pardon the dog.

Pa Jones became worried where Teddy had gone and began to search for it. He later found Teddy on the bed under the blanket. Pa Jones took it in his arms and petted it. The dog became happy that Pa Jones was not mad at it.


A dog is a dog and rabbits make a good meal. It sounds to me each animal on a farm has it's value and those rabbits are no longer able to escape and eat from the crops.

The life of Pa Jones sounds like sounds like a great poem

Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Pa Jones and Teddy, what a lovely script

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