A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words. #pic1000

in Freewriters5 months ago

What I See

I see a temple where horror and evil resides. There are ghosts inhabiting the temple.

I see a monster arising from the ground, out of the land of the dead with many ghosts arising with it and entering the city.

What I Feel

It is in the dream land. The monster comes every night with the ghosts and terrorizes the inhabitants of the city.

My Story: Horror In The Land Of Mouna

There were deaths of newborn babies and infants in the land of Mouna. The land came under horror two years after the death of the Great Rafafa. The Great Rafafa was the chief priest of the Gongou Temple. After the death of the Great Rafafa, no one was able to enter into the temple to carry out the sacrifices and the rituals there.

Two years after the death of the Great Rafafa, the village started experiencing terrible horror. Women were losing their babies at birth. Infants were dying mysteriously. There was great fear and horror in the land. The women were overwhelmed with fear and dread due to the uncertainty that surrounded their fates, especially the pregnant ones.

The king and the royal chiefs had consulted several oracles to know why Mouna was under such a horrorful siege. But there was no solution in sight. People started migrating to the neighboring villages in order to escape the seeming doom that covered Mouna. Pregnant women relocated to other villages to escape the death of their babies.

There lived a young girl by name Asoza with her uncle, Banta, in the village in those days. Banta’s wife became pregnant. People advised Banta to take his wife to another village so that she can have her baby safely. Banta refused all these suggestions. He claimed he was a great hunter who knows the path of the gods, so they won't be able to kill his baby.

One night, Asoza screamed from our sleep and woke up terrified. Banta quickly got up. “Asoza, what was that? Did you have a nightmare?”, asked Banta. “Brother, I saw a horrible monster arising from the temple of the Great Rafafa with many ghosts coming into the village," answered Asoza.
This incident repeated for some nights.

Banta went to consult his friend in the neighboring village who was a very strong hunter with spiritual powers. His friend told him that the monster is the spirit controlling the village. That was the spirit which The Great Rafafa was consulting with and sacrificing onto. He told Banta that the death they were experiencing in the village was because after the death of The Great Rafafa, no one has been offering sacrifice to the deity. So, the deity is hungry that is why it is taking the blood of newborn babies and infants.

Banta came back and told the king what his friend told him. The king and the royal chiefs invited the hunter, Banta’s friend. They inquired of him what should be done to deliver the village. Banta’s friend informed them of the sacrifice they needed to make. The sacrifice was made and Mouna village became peaceful. The deaths stopped and children lived with their mothers peacefully and happily.


A nice story though where mystery, culture,history meet.

Thank you for joining pic1000 👍