Today when I woke up I wanted to jot something down, so I headed over to
Alright. Challenge accepted. Since any meaningful content counts toward our account's #ctpcontent, this will as well. I'll still post on my @threesteps account later to meet the goals on my calendar. Rest assured.
My #freewrite with the prompt - keeping the good spirits up.
Here's my attempt:
When I first decided to buy Smoky's bar, I didn't realize the problems it had.
I only saw what the bar looked like from the patron side of things - dirty, a little grime, and you definitely needed shoes considering the broken glass that littered the floor from previous bar fights.
There was a consistent turnover in the staff, and I never could figure out what was going on. I thought it was just how bars worked. When Smoky died and the place went up for sale, I snagged it. Easy decision for me.
The longer I spent time down there trying to get decent bartenders hired and cleaning the place up, the more I noticed that everyone just seemed, well, depressed.
I was confused at first because I thought it would be enjoyable working at a bar I owned. Yet over time I too had issues with being down.
That's when I realized Smoky was keeping the good spirits up on the top shelf, and everyone he hired to work there was short. They couldn't reach the liquor.
Once I moved the shelving down a foot, everyone's spirits came back with a vengeance.
Any feedback or comments would be appreciated.
Also, just like last time for cross-community posting, here's my #selfie for this morning as well. Post both worked out well for me last time. This is me and my wife out at the Mile High Flea Market the other day.
My wife and I are both definitely celebrating beilg #alive.