Not Her Friend - 5 minutes freewrite

in Freewriters6 months ago

Annabelle's parents had to change cities because of their jobs, which made her also change her school as it was a 3-hour drive from where they were to the new city.

At her new school, she felt like a total stranger; she felt lonely and like an outsider. She tried all she could to blend in, but to no avail. One day during their chemistry practical class, a smart-looking handsome boy walked up to her, introduced himself as Sam, and said he wanted to be friends with her. Of course, Annabelle was excited and did not hesitate to accept his hand in friendship because Sam was one of the most popular guys in her class.


As time passed, they laughed, shared secrets, and explored different places in the city together. Annabelle was glad she had a best friend in Sam, but that was different for Sam from the onset; he had ulterior motives; he had made a bet with Christy, his crush, and that was to sabotage her image. Annabelle noticed the change in his attitude. Sam couldn't hide his true colors for long; he spread rumors about Annabelle, which excluded her from several activities at the school, and also made snide remarks about her. Annabelle, heartbroken, realized Sam was not her friend; he was only an annoying fellow disguised as a companion.

Hurt and betrayed Annabelle distanced herself from Sam and her other classmates and sought solace in her parents.



Wow! It's really not a nice thing to do taking advantage of people, that's very unkind of Sam

Yea Sam was not nice to Annabelle, he took advantage of the fact that she was lonely and needed a friend