A Lovely Socialist - 5 minutes freewrite

in Freewriters5 months ago

Amanda had a lovely socialist named Ellen who lived a few blocks away from her. She had always admired Ellen because she was a woman who always wore a warm smile and had an open heart that was full of compassion and empathy for others, and her mind was always brimming with great ideas. Ellen had dedicated herself to the welfare of the poor and less privileged.

Through her generous acts of kindness and solidarity, Ellen tirelessly organized food giveaways, educational workshops, and healthcare initiatives, ensuring that everyone was well taken care of and no one was left behind.


Ellen's show of love, empathy, and compassion for the poor and less privileged paves the way for hope and a brighter future for them all, and she also paved her way into the hearts of her neighbors as she was loved and admired by everyone. To them, she was more than just a lovely socialist; she was a beacon of hope lost and a driving force for change.

and this was one of the reasons Amanda loved her so much and wished to be like her when she grew up.



Amanda has found a role model in Ellen, how sweet.