This is my post for #freewriters 2604 prompt lack of circulation hosted by @mariannewest
A couple of weeks ago I went to a dermatologist and she took a biopsy from my right ear, it turned out to be a squamous cell cancer. She gave me three options. She said she could do what is called a scrape and burn, or Mos surgery, or something that I do not recall what she said it was but I knew I did not want it done. I chose the scrap and burn, it is the least evasive. It is scheduled for the 20th of this month.
In the meantime, she prescribed a cream for me to put on all other places on my face. I had heard how bad this cream could be and was worried about using it. I thought it would eat all of the skin from anywhere I put it. She said she preferred the cream because freezing them leaves white spots which you can see from the picture where I had it done before and she did not want to freeze that many places and have my face covered with white spots.
I was wrong. It did not eat away the good skin, it only ate away all the pre-cancer spots and turned them all red. I finished the two weeks of putting the cream on, and now I have two tubes of cream that I have to mix half and half and put on the red spots.
I saw an article about how to tell if you have a blockage and thought I would try it. Lay one of your hands down with your palm up, and with the other hand, hold your little and ring finger down while hooking your middle finger up. If you feel pain, you have a blockage.
My right hand is the one that I no longer have carlidge in so I thought if I had a lack of circulation it would be in that hand. I felt nothing when I tried it. At this point, I am thinking this is BS. I tried the left hand and I could not bend my middle finger very far, the pain was a 10 on the pain scale. It hurt from my wrist to my elbow. Does this mean I have a blockage in my arm?
I know I have something that gets blocked when my head is turned a certain way. It only happens when my head is turned to the right or looking down. My left side goes numb, and I fall. Now I am wondering if there is another blockage on my left side.
My goal is to make it to 100 years old and still do the things I do now. I wanted to still be fishing at 100 but I am afraid that is a pipe dream. If I do make it that old, will I be able to function? If not, why do I want to make it that old?
photos are mine