5 minute freewrite 2390 and 2391 prompts Not in the dictionary and plaster

in Freewriters4 months ago

This is my post for #freewriters 2390 prompt Not in the dictionary and 2391 prompt plaster hosted by @mariannewest


I have been thinking about changing my occupation from commercial fisherman to left handed weed puller because that is all I can find that I am able to do. For the last week, I have been pulling weeds, mostly wedelia. There has to be a word that best describes how much I hate this plant but I bet it is not in the dictionary. It wants to take over everywhere, it climbs fences and covers all other plants, and will kill them if I do not pull it up.

You can see it now, in the above photos I have a fence, I even found some bricks under it.

I have a place on the edge of the woods where I have been dumping it and I am so glad to see it is dying. I don't usually like to kill plants, but this one makes me smile to see it withering away. Even though I am trying to only use my left hand, sometimes I have to use my right one, too, this is making it hurt more than normal, so I do not feel like writing my freewrite one finger at a time with my left hand.....

Since my Mother passed away my sisters have been living in her home, it is a double wide trailer with an older single wide one attached to it. The single wide trailer's roof was damaged in last years hurricane and leaks, so we went together and ordered plastic to put over it and shade cloth to go on top of the plastic.It would have been nice to buy some sort of plaster to fill the holes but they were too many and too big. We did have blue tarps over it but it did not take long for them to rip to pieces. The only reason we are trying to cover it is because in a thunderstorm pieces flew off and went into the neighbor's yard. When we first talked about it they said that was all they wanted to do, just to keep the roof from flying off, so I ordered the shade cloth. The next thing I knew they ordered the black plastic to go under it because they have things stored in it.

I told them the plastic is going to rip in the wind so why don't we cover the things inside with it, they did not want to do this, so I went over there today and helped them put it on the roof. Now when it rains, everywhere it has a dip on the roof it is going to hold water and burst, I will bite my tongue when this happens.

photos are mine


Sounds as if you found yourself a new job! I have a nasty weed here climbing into the walls. It looks like grass and hides in between taking over everything.

You made me smile as I read you like see that nasty weed withering (more laugh out loud).

Your sisters will find out about that pool of rain on their roof.

A blessed day to you with not too much pain.

I am glad you found the humor in me watching the wedelia die, I get it, you understand invasive plants the way I understand them. It is pretty with its yellow flowers but it wants to take everything over, it will climb trees and smother them.
I hope the rain will not pool on the roof but I think it will.