Hope say u no be guy sha make teeth no full groundNahh I only play br and AlcatrazWhat issues u having my good sirPlease who knows how to write unit test with jest hereGay means to be happy 🌚 una be racist I swr 😂I na guy...then na gayU be gay this one way u dey talk racist 🧐From what i see the error is coming from ur package.json did you mess with it.
Jest is unable to find the module specified in the setupFiles option of your configuration😂 my background noise no go let me concentrateAlso try attending to the warning of the license issueI won't hear a thing in the call.
Be like say they wan show how to use the reanimatedI know many devs have issues with itSo it's gonna help if it's what I think it isAbeg climb bed enter my dm 🥲Good, now show ur code it seems u aren't importing what u try to useJest no recognize ur test environment.
U dae use typescript so make sure babel join watin u install for dev depConfirm say ur config correct sha, u follow all the instructions to set am up ?