All, doing a 5 minute freewrite. Thank you for reading.
Mr Russel walked into the lecture hall and gave an introduction of himself. After rattling on for a good 2 minutes, a student suddenly raised his stand and stood up.
"Sorry sir, you are too fast in your introduction and I didn't manage to catch. Could you repeat that portion of you are a professor of what?"
Mr Russel patiently replied, "Ok here it is again, I am a professor of Chemical Process Engineering and also Biomolecular Engineering."
And the students all wowed as they are totally lost on what exactly this 2 specific disciplines are. Knowing that the students are puzzled, Mr Russel said, "It's alright, this is not important. What is important that you follow me through this semester and clear this module."
The whole crowd laughed and then Mr Russell started the lesson proper for the student's first lecture in university.