Be careful ... Florida's doctors are scared because of all the things happening under Republican leadership, so they don't want to be liable in a federal crime. Move in silence when possible!
I do not understand how something you can buy in a store or order in the mail can be illegal.
Federal law says all marijuana-based products are illegal ... states are bucking this with their own laws, and the feds are declining to insist FOR NOW ... but doctors are afraid because of the chaos around the end of Roe v. Wade.
It is all crazy, God made a plant for people who needed it, but man says no you can not use what God intended for you to use.
Man wishes to play God. Remember ... look at a dollar bill and remember: Caesar was God to the Romans, and thus was seen as the source of life. So, look at your money and remember: the Founders, here, played God every day. It's just that now, we all can realize together that men playing God, and calling good evil, and evil good, is unsafe for ALL OF US. So then, you go back to God, look at your state laws, look at the federal laws, and simply do whatever He tells you do to on the issue. But understand: men invested in the system in the hopes that they get to play God too over you and me are not going to help any of us and in fact will destroy us if we get in the way of their "play." That is why I say, be careful. Understand your local laws. If your doctor is not receptive, there's a reason. Move in silence toward most, and do whatever the Lord tells you to do.
I have never thought of it this way, but you speak a lot of truth. I am going to do whatever will make me feel better and if the oil helps, I will take it. I will have questions for my doctor, I want to find out why he is so against it. If it is because of the law, I will not tell him anything else about me taking it.