Joanne has a poultry farm which harbours over a thousand birds. She usually sell of old ones and restock the farm. The old ones are usually sold off when they can no longer lay good and quality eggs.
Few years ago, Joanne's farm suffered a terrible setback. Bird flu attacked it and in the process she lost over a quarter of the birds. It is one of the worst times to own a farm.
Joanne managed to restock her farm after that attack. She also learnt how to apply routine drugs to her birds. This way, they'll be immune to several other flying diseases.
As if that was not enough, recently her poultry farm was attacked by bugs which caused several of the birds to die. Joanne has to fumigate the entire farm. The next morning, the floor became a carpet full of crushed bugs.
With that also, there was sanity in the farm. Her remaining birds were saved in the process.