A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words Love is as strong and at the same time as fragile as a big ship. / el amor es tan fuerte y a la vez tan frágil como un gran barco.

in Freewriters4 months ago


WHAT IS WHAT I SEE: A great ship, one of those ships that do cruises, full of luxury and if you manage to be there, days of relaxation and tranquility await you.

WHAT IS WHAT I FEEL: Here you see luxury and sumptuousness, which can bring tranquility, but it is a ship and even when you think it is invulnerable you can sink like the Titanic.

Wonderful love that we build step by step
in a shipyard of loves where we build that ship of wonder,
Each material is made of kisses, caresses and words of love
So over time we built a great huge ship

But even when we have the most beautiful there}
being able to navigate the sea of ​​life full of kisses
with a massage of caresses that make us touch the sky
an ecstasy treatment in the passion unleashed at times

Moreover when we think that that ship could never be lost
We must never neglect to lose our way in fear
crags, cliffs and dangers abound
full of envy, other people's desires that want to lose us
waiting just for a carelessness that clashes with them
so sink that great ship of love and forever lose it

Be careful not to think that your love boat is invincible
just one bad word to lose your way
coming to collide with those rocks that little by little damage
losing with each clash of disappointments and anger
opening cracks that little by little grow
Until one day one, blow one bad word will be the end
sinking that great ship of love, thus losing itself eternally


QUE ES LO QUE VEO: Un gran barco, de esos barcos que hacen cruceros, llenos de lujo y que si uno logra poder estar allí, te esperan días de relajación y tranquilidad.

QUE ES LO QUE SIENTO: Aquí se ve el lujo y la suntuosidad, que puede traer la tranquilidad, pero es un barco y aun cuando pienses que es invulnerable te puedes hundir como el titanic.

Amor maravilloso que construimos paso a paso
en un astillero de amores donde construimos ese barco asombro,
Cada material esta hecho de besos, caricias y palabras de amor
así con el tiempo llegamos a construir un gran barco inmenso

Mas aun cuando allí tengamos lo mas bello}
pudiendo navegar en el mar de la vida lleno de besos
con un masaje de caricias que nos hacen tocar el cielo
un tratamiento de extasis en la pasión desatada a ratos

Mas aun cuando pensemos que ese barco nunca podría perderse
Nunca debemos descuidarlo de perder el rumbo en el miedo
abunda los peñascos, acantilados y peligros que acechan
llenos de envidias, deseos ajenos que desean perdernos
esperando tan solo un descuido que choque con ellos
asi hundir ese gran barco de amor y para siempre perderlo

Cuidado con pensar que tu barco de amor es invencible
vasta tan solo una mala palabra para perder el rumbo
llegando a chocar asi con esos peñascos que poco a poco dañan
perdiendo con cada choque de desengaños y rabias
abriendo grietas que poco a poco van creciendo
hasta que un día un, golpe una mala palabra será el fin
hundiendo ese gran barco de amor, perdiéndose así eterno


Much truth here ... it does not take much to put love on the rocks without careful steering!

You have to be careful and take care of love, day by day without ever neglecting yourself.

I think the ship metaphor for love is brilliant.

Thank you for appreciating this idea, I hope to see you more often as I will post every week.

How easily we think we are safe once on a ship like this, no longer the need to sail, unexpected it hits.. and sinks.

Thank you for your entry.

This is how it happens to us with love, we think that once we are with someone married to them it will never collapse but if we are not careful, taking care of love ends quickly when we realize it.

I am a positivist, and I am not afraid when I board one of these magnificent cruise ships or when I board a plane... When an accident is going to happen, even in our own homes, it can happen.

I love the way you likened love relationship to a cruise in a ship, we should be careful of those little rocks that could sink the ship.
Well done 👍