Awww so cute!
We have three cats.
Squeek is the elders, a dull grey cat that is sort of skittish and doesn't make a meow sound... a squeek instead.
Lexi is a tabby/siamese cross that is tiny. She is a drama queen and likes to talk (that is the siamese in her). She looks pissed off but really likes to cuddle.
And then there is Mittens. We got him when he was a kitten and he is nearly Squeek's size. I think he's going to be huge. He is a fat ass and a trash panda... He's adorable and he eats a lot.
We got mittens when we lost Chai, a dull tea coloured ginger kitty that was run over by a bus... still miss him a lot. He was nearly as dumb as Mittens lol.