Well yeah, but if I call it a total capitulation (which it was) then it would breathe life into the capitulation and make it somehow more...umm...capitulationistic. So, I've capitulated, maintained boob access and all for the price of the shame of capitulation and drinking coffee with nut juice in it for a week. I'm going to chalk it up to a total win, like the Eagles over the Chiefs.
Fucken bag milking? What the everlovin' fuck! Some people have no shame! Squeezed nuts...hmm, not so good if one is a male of the human species, but I suppose almonds have a higher pain threshold. I do feel sorry for udders, I mean, udder than being a little weird-looking what have udders ever done to deserve such treatment?! (See what I did there? Udders.) Get it? Don't worry, if you didn't get it I have an udder one. 😁