MOVING/ ROADTRIP to a new COUNTRY 🧳 📦 🚗 Part 2 from 11~ MAINLAND EUROPE 🇫🇷

in Wednesday Walk5 months ago

Hi all 👋🏻

we woke up to this view

Today I want to share with you PART 2 from 11 , our adventure to our new home.

The 11 parts will be about our move driving ourselves to a new COUNTRY 😊 some parts will include some subtle hints, via text or photo 😅😉 so pay attention and see if you can guess where we are heading for!

If you missed the update. I am moving to a new country (again) via a longgggg road trip 🚗🚗🚗🚗 from almost 1 MONTH! 😉😎
Missed part 1, have a look here: The ferry crossing ⛴️🌊 part 1

With this post I’m joining in at the Wednesday Walk challenge and Make me Smile challenge. That are hosted by @tattoodjay and @elizacheng every week on Wednesday.

‼️Have a look: Here in the Wednesday Walk Community if you want to join in!… the community is run by @tattoodjay.
Look at his last #Wednesdaywalk post.
It will tell you also the rules of joining at the Wednesday walk posts 😁 come join us! It is fun!

Are you ready to come along and find out everything from this exciting and epic adventure?
To find out where I “might” be traveling to…

A few more details first 😎

Today’s selection will be of 58 photographs.
Date: 29 January 2024
The Photographs in this post are all taken with my iPhone by me 📱🤓 and a few by hubby… when I was driving 🚗 we do share each journey/ part, as the trip is toooo long for just one person to drive 😁


As I did in part 1 to know how many kilometres we will drive in total. I take again a photo from the dashboard and will do so every part of the journey.
We start today at : 126.899 km

Our journey starts today after a walk around in Saint Hymer and will drive further into France 🇫🇷 our route:

After we wake up we have breakfast in this cute and cosy CHAMBRES D’HÔTES where we stayed for 1 night.

So French 🥰 there were 2 tables for guests. They have 2 rooms.

I take a few photos from the surroundings while wandering outside for a little while to stretch the legs hehehe.
The path we drove our car on to the parking spot. It is very rural here as you can see. 😊

Let’s walk a bit further and we see the entrance to the CHAMBRES D’HÔTES. What means we got a room plus breakfast.

It’s a large farmhouse… so beautiful, don’t you think?

We couldn’t see much last evening as it was already dark when we arrived…

Look at the cool architecture. I like it 😎

But… we have to go on our journey now.
I hop behind the steering wheel for the first half.
So the next photos are from hubby 😁

This old building was fascinating as we drove by. Look at the wooden beams in the walls 🤓 they go back hundreds of years.

We drive through little villages.

And forests through the French country side 🇫🇷🌳🌲

Some cool buildings along the road too.

Driving along the river the SEINE on the left.

Going down and up the hills along this road.

Before we left I found half way our journey a cute restaurant where we will stop, eat something and swap drivers… here we drove into this village 😊

After our meal I take these few photos of the information sign in town. It’s 13:26h

And about 9 degrees Celsius.

We swapped drivers so hubby is driving now and I can take many photos again 😁😉
Do you see what I see?

Blue lamp posts. It was cool to see 💙💙💙💙 they stand out so much.

Now we are heading for a large city: ROUEN
If you look closely you see a large bridge over the river SEINE.

It seems our route is going under the city… through a tunnel 😎


And now we are in the tunnel, it was a very long tunnel.

Next we are back on the countryside of France.

Following road signs and passing by many road works 🚧🚧🚧

Where are we heading for? 😎

The road seems so long… in the distance we see valleys and hills.

I capture a valley besides us. Beautiful views.

More signs to follow 😎

My favourite photo of the day next to the first one (thumbnail) 🥰
The windmills…

Along the road we are on now we find many colourful bridges. On the side there are colourful tiles that show something from the surroundings. Towns, monuments etc.

It brightens up the journey… I capture a few for you 😊


The next one…

… I see a windmill 😎

The fields are vast… the landscape is flat now.

Passing by a few more villages.

A nice church ⛪️

Going down into the valleys again 🚗🚗🚗 vroom vroom…

We see trucks coming up the hill very slow…. They are heavy.

More villages… it is so typical French.

Following some more road signs now. We are off the beaten path.

Seeing the sign we need to go off the road towards the little village we will be staying for the night.


I see it in the distance 😊

Ok ok… another favourite photo of the day hihihi 😁
The view is just perfect!
What do you think?

After we reach the destination, before we switch off the car… I capture the km again.

So let’s look at how far we have driven in this part.

The meter says : 127.160 km

Means we have driven 261 km along the road🚗…
Adding the first total we get : 1,401 km in 3 days.
Nice 😎😉

Let me show you the accommodation for the night:

Another old farmhouse. The courtyard is so cute 🥰

We parked off the street under the roof of the barn.

View to the right.

View to the left, in the trees there are many bird feeders. The birds did visit when we were inside.

Let’s walk to the barn to show you all the little cute rustic details:

Looks like this is a gathering place for dinners in the warmer months and maybe a painting workshop here and there 😊

As we enter the accommodation on the side. I notice the handmade ceramic tiles.
Remember when I was tiling at my in-laws last year?
Some of the handmade tiles had also animal paws 🐾 in them.
When the tiles are drying outside… they happen occasionally when animals walk over them 🥰 it gives the tile floors so much extras 😎 these tiles are easy to put down, the ones I put down were hexagon. With all different sizes and thicknesses… it was a challenge. Hahaha I did post about it last year 😁

Little sitting nook.

Dining table… I love the paintings around.

Kitchen area, we can cook 😊

One of the upstairs bedrooms. It was all much bigger than we thought.

Many cute details like the dried lavender 💜

We had a good rest here and wished we could have stayed longer… but… we have to keep going 😉

Hope you enjoyed coming along for this part and are curious to see what will happen in part 3 😁

Join me again… 👋🏻😊

… and that’s all for today’s post my friends.
Join me next time for more #updates, #adventures, #stories and #photographs 😎👋🏻
Even my own #artworks, once in a while, will come by” 🎨
Thank you so much for looking, and reading.

#ecency banner by @irisworld

Any questions or comments, let me know. Always happy to help.

Have a great day all 😎
Grtz Jackie

Unless stated otherwise: All art and photos used in my posts are taken, created and owned by me. If you wish to use any of my photographs, please contact me first. As I have used some commercially myself. We don’t want that you or somebody else gets into trouble 😉 So please don’t use them without my consent.

🖼 My PRINTSHOP: for the purchase of all kind of prints in many sizes from my Artworks 🎨 and Photography 📸 Which come on different objects too. Have a look in My Prints Shop!

If you want to see where I traveled to and what I already shared in @pinmapple, have a look at my personal map here: Littlebee4 PINMAPPLE MAP

#ecency image by @irisworld


Lol, hubby has to get better with the photos otherwise he is in trouble with Jackie
Nice beautiful villages, you passed through, they are so quiet and clean out there. Nice places to reside.

I remembered you tilling last year, you hurt your back in the process if I remember correctly.
The accommodation is lovely, I like it 👌

I think you are heading to Cyprus Jackie.

Hahaha I have to stop moving the car than 🤣😂🥲😂 it is hard to photograph while moving.
We loved France 🇫🇷 it’s so cute. We might consider it in the future…

Yes I did. Sadly…it still gives me problems till the day. I just need to stop moving and packing boxes.

Really, Cyprus. That would be cool. It isn’t that.
I had no internet or even a mobile connection the last 2 days, will tell you soon why…
We reached our accommodation for the night now and here we have Wi-Fi… so I posted a StreetArt post just in time and wrote part 3. I post it in the morning before we drive further…
I am a bit behind but soon we stay somewhere a whole week. So can catch up in the evening. 😁

I hope you are well Joe, enjoy your weekend/ Sunday!

Lol okay am wrong with my first guess,
I will check out part 3. Its not easy to keep up with the traveling and internet issues, you are doing well to share your journey with us regardless.

Thanks, Jackie.
Travel safe.

Hahaha so many countries left 😁😎
It’s hard indeed, as the traveling alone already takes up most of our days. Hahaha let alone no mobile reception or a good internet connection at the accommodations we stay. I keep trying ☺️

You are welcome Joe 😊
We arrived at the next stay, we will be here 2 nights… so a little breather in between. So needed 😉

Have a great new week!


Great Jackie, I still haven't check out your latest post part 3 yet, it's just too busy with me...

I will be traveling away to Nelson for work on Wednesday.

I will definitely catch up on your travel posts.


No worries Joe, when you have some time. If not… enjoy every free time you have 😎😉
Cool, another place you will see.
Travel safely!

Thank you so much 👋🏻😊 have a great new week!

Yes, I am looking forward to the trip

I hope all is going well 😁

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I love all the photos of the inn you stayed in... Every detail is delightful, from the tiles to the lavender decoration and the little details of the paintings and the china cabinet! I love it! It's almost like a doll's house! I can't wait to read the third episode of your Roadtrip to a new Country!

Hello dear friend @littlebee4 good morning
I can't believe that the journey to reach your new home lasts a month, it is a truly incredible journey.
I love the roads with a lot of nature around them, and the place where they stayed is very beautiful, the wooden constructions fascinate me, beautiful architecture
It is not very common to see blue streetlights in the city, they are usually white or black, these look great
What beautiful shots of the trip, it is incredible that they have already been traveling more than 1400 kilometers. Thank you very much for sharing this road trip experience.
Have a great Wednesday morning.

Hello dear friend @jlufer 👋🏻😊
Yes, it’s amazing to think about it. It is epic in every way. A true incredible journey. I am happy I can share it with you.
The nature is everywhere. We try to skip big cities and go to the nature and countryside. It is much more pleasant to drive and wander around.
More km to come 😎
Have a great Wednesday 👋🏻😊
Thank you kindly!

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OMG @littlebee4 Every place you visit on your trips and moves is truly beautiful. I love your walks and I can tell you enjoy them. I hope you have a nice day dear friend! Hugsssss and kisses for you 🤗😘

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Much appreciated!

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Thank you so much 😊

I choose wisely what route we take. We prefer to go into nature and the countryside, to see the country. Not big and busy cities.
I am happy I could share this with you.
Have a fantastic Wednesday 👋🏻😊
Biggg huggsss and kisses 😘


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Thank you so much 👋🏻😊

Fun fun fun auf der autobahn! Its exciting to see the adventure infold in this series! You known how to pick cool places to stay for sure too! Happy travels 💫

Thanks a lot 😎😊
It’s fun all the way!
I do my best to have nice spots along the way… but one never knows until one reaches them.
Have a great day!

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that guest house does look quaint and charming and the scenery so beautiful
Not sure why bu those blue street lamps did make me smile
WOW what a trip your having, having fathomed where your heading or should i say your final destination, but suspect you may be headign to or through Spain

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

It was so cool the last accommodations.
And the blue street lights did make me smile too. Very quaint.

Loving every moment of it and we are not even half way yet hahaha
Who knows where we are heading… it could well be, or isn’t it 😉😇 we could also take some detours. I did the last 2 days by visiting friends and family.
In the morning we drive further 🚗🚗🚗🚗

Thank you so much for coming along. Happy to share.
Have a great day!

looksing forward to following along on your journey to wherever it mat be

Thank you kindly @tattoodjay 😊
Will try to upload photos this evening… had no luck this morning with internet.
Have a great day!

Yay! 🤗
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Thank you so much @ecency team 👋🏻😊

Quite a move again... no idea where you're going to settle, we'll see if I find a clue in the next post 😀
Safe journey to you both.

It sure is a massive move doing it this way, but soooooo much fun 🤩
Maybe you will figure it out.
Thank you so much 👋🏻😊
Have a great day!

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Thanks a lot 🥰

wow, the place is so beautiful thanks a lot for sharing.

!giphy wow

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Thank you so much @bhattg
Have a lovely day!
👋🏻😊 !ALIVE

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Gorgeous French countryside! For tomorrow, I'm guessing Belgium.

Thank you so much @steven-patrick 👋🏻😊 great guess… maybe we will.

I do must say, I might divert a bit off my route as I have been visiting friends and family.
In the morning we start driving again 🚗🚗🚗 let’s see where we end up in part 3 😉
Will post tomorrow. Have a great day!

Wow! Now I am enjoying your journey via your Post 😍

Thank you kindly, that’s wonderful to hear 😊
Have a lovely day!

Interesting photos! It's nice that you take us with you on every step of the journey! A very long drive, I bet it's so tiring but the places you see on the way seem incredible!

Thank you so much.
You know, that’s exactly like that. It is tiring…but what we see and do along the way is all so worth it.
Thanks for coming along.
Have a great end of the week 😊🤗

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The journey continues, what a lovely countryside and charming farmhouse.
And it's only the second day. Thanks for having us tag along the journey @littlebee4

It does indeed…
France is so charming in every way. I could get used to it 😉
I had no internet for the last days… we just reach an accommodation for the night where I have Wi-Fi. So I wrote and uploaded the photos for part 3. I will post in the morning. 😁
Thank you for coming along on this crazy adventure 😎🚗🚗
Have a fantastic weekend!

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I am enjoying going on this journey with you by reading your story and looking at the lovely pics! Have a safe and sweet trip. Looking forward to the next part already!

Thank you so much, that’s nice to hear.
I just wrote part 3 now we have internet again… I post it in the morning 😎
Have a wonderful weekend!

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Both guest houses look cozy completely different in character.

Countryside is delightful, those wind turbines not something I would call pretty.

Rolling green hills with old church much more appealing, still enjoying your journey makes life interesting.


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Yes… a lot of big contrasts in my post 😊 I prefer nature and beautiful buildings too. Those turbines are ugly.

Life is interesting this way.
Thank you kindly 🤗 have a great day 👋🏻

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Keep moving till you find a place to call home !LOLZ

What do you call a dead magician?
An abra-cadaver.

Credit: marshmellowman
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We will and we are 😊
Have a great weekend!




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That looks a pleasant drive virtually traffic free on the roads.

It was… loved to drive through the countryside of France.
The day after…. 🤨 we didn’t have that much luck hahaha 🤣 !LOL

No wonder everyone's attracted to the earths center
It is pretty hot

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I stay tuned !

It will be posted in the morning 😎😊