If we walk in a pleasant natural environment (¨Es-Eng¨)

in Wednesday Walk7 months ago
Como están mis amigos de esta increíble ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨:  muy feliz de estar acompañando a mi amigo tattoodjay:  en este genial desafío de los días miércoles; esta es una de esas iniciativas que te encantara participar, dado que para cumplirla tienes que hacer algo saludable para tu organismo como es una caminata.

Source: Family Álbum

How are my friends from this incredible ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨:  very happy to be accompanying my friend tattoodjay:  in this great Wednesday challenge; This is one of those initiatives that you will love to participate in, since to complete it you have to do something healthy for your body such as a walk.

Mis padres y mis abuelos siempre hablaban de los beneficios de salir a caminar, sobre todo cuando lo hacías en la pradera o los bosques que teníamos cerca de casa, en la conversación coincidían que era bueno para ¨estar¨ en ¨forma¨, además, al estar en contacto con la naturaleza, te olvidabas de las preocupaciones

Source: Family Álbum

My parents and grandparents always talked about the benefits of going for a walk, especially when you did it in the meadow or the forests that we had near home, in the conversation they agreed that it was good for ¨being¨ in ¨shape¨, in addition, by being in contact with nature, you forgot about your worries

La ventaja de haber vivido más de 50 años, es que aprende a escuchar a tu organismo, una a esa edad sabes lo que necesita el cuerpo. Hoy me levante con dolores del ¨lumbar¨ con muchos pinchazos en la ¨cervical¨, un poco de inestabilidad y algunas ¨nauseas¨, lo que mi cuerpo está tratando de decirme, es que salga a caminar cerca de la naturaleza

Source: Family Álbum

The advantage of having lived more than 50 years is that you learn to listen to your body, at that age you know what the body needs. Today I woke up with "lumbar" pain with many punctures in the "cervical", a little instability and some "nausea", what my body is trying to tell me is to go for a walk near nature

Este fue el principal motivo para invitarte me acompañes a una caminata por un entorno natural agradable, y para estos casos cuento con la reserva natural que está cerca de casa. Los primeros metros de caminata me ha hecho dudar si era una buena idea, dado que el malestar y las ¨náuseas¨ aumentaron, por suerte resistí, ya que al llegar al predio estaba mucho mejor, y cuando me concentré en hacer algunas fotografías macros a las plantas florales todo había desaparecido por completo

Source: Family Álbum

This was the main reason for inviting you to accompany me on a walk through a pleasant natural environment, and for these cases I have the nature reserve that is close to home. The first meters of walking made me doubt if it was a good idea, given that the discomfort and "nausea" increased, luckily I resisted, since when I arrived at the property I was much better, and when I concentrated on taking some macro photographs at The flower plants had all disappeared completely

Lo mejor que le puede suceder a una persona es conocer su cuerpo, y tener un lugar colmado de naturaleza donde poder ¨equilibrar¨ sus ¨emociones¨, la naturaleza es maravillosa y si tienes fe en ella te puedes curar, solo hay que tener en cuenta algunas cosas. La tranquilidad, la estabilidad, lo obtengo en la combinación de la caminata, y la concentración al momento de tomar nuestra ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ para obtener una fotografía macro. Este tipo de cosas es muy bueno para mantenernos sanos, ya que evitamos consumir cualquier tipo de ¨medicamento¨

Source: Family Álbum

The best thing that can happen to a person is to know their body, and have a place full of nature where they can "balance" their "emotions", nature is wonderful and if you have faith in you can cure yourself, you just have to keep a few things in mind. The tranquility, the stability, I obtain in the combination of the walk, and the concentration when taking our “nikoncoolpixb500” to obtain a macro photograph. This type of thing is very good for keeping us healthy, since we avoid consuming any type of “medicine”


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Esas flores de palmeras!!! Cuantos recuerdos hermosos me trajiste con eso! Es un paseo precioso lleno de lo que más me gusta la naturaleza. Muchas gracias @jlufer , que tengas un día maravilloso!😃

Esta ha sido otra refrescante y natural caminata. me encanta las plantas y flores que hallamos en el predio

que hermoso es saber que mis fotogarfias te han traido gratos recuerdos querida amiga @avdesing Muchas gracias

Las flores son las sonrisas de la naturaleza! Gracias a vos!

no lo habia pensado asi, sin dudas las flores son la sonrrisa de la naturaleza


I agree wholeheartedly, nature and breathing in the peaceful vibes can do wonders for one's mental and physical body. Glad you listened to your inner guidance and went for that walk. ♥

Nature is surprising, its healing power is incredible.
Thank you very much dear friend @sunscape for stopping by and leaving this beautiful comment
Have a beautiful day

Asi es estimado amigo, nada como la naturaleza, dicen que es el mejor remedio, caminar y disfrutar de esos bellos momentos que nos brinda la vida, hay que hacerlo, levantarse todo los dias, con mente positiva y cuerpo sano, para afrontar los retos del dia a dia. saludos un gran abrazo y gracias por visitar mi blog.

esa es la clave, levantarse cada dia con actitud positiva, con eso, el resto es mucho mas facil
Muchas gracias querido amigo @theshot2414 por esta grata visitu y tu comentario
que tengas un gran dia

Reaching that age is a great accomplishment too.😊 Walking with nature gives you refreshing experience 😊

Walking in nature is a refreshing and renewing experience.
I very much appreciate this pleasant visit.

You're welcome. 😊 Thanks for responding too.😊

Have a great day dear friend

Same to you. Hoping for a nice day ahead.😊😊

I loved this walk, the property is very beautiful, and your photographs show it very well.

Yes, you are very right, walking through this property is wonderful.

@jlufer good friend, very cool the plants are growing well. The flowers are starting to bloom in beautiful shapes, can see in the photo there is pandan plant as it is called in Indonesia. Thank you. Happy day, greetings.

How are you dear friend @hsidik good afternoon
This place is beautiful and full of beautiful plants to enjoy, it is the reason we always choose it for our walks.
have a beautiful afternoon

Good news friends and good morning in Indonesia. Thank you again, great reply to your comments good. Happy days.

It's a nice place to walk. How about you with dangerous insects? Are there ticks in these places?

How are you dear friend @ratel good afternoon
The city of Corrientes is an area where ticks abound, but they are not seen on this property, which makes it a safe place to be.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit

I think listening to your body is essential at every age. But did a great job !! Nature always heals us from the inside and outside.

I totally agree dear friend @noorchaudhary, a walk through nature restores stress and does very good for our body
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit