#Wednesday Walk - Last Light on Durban Beach

in Wednesday Walk3 months ago

This post is for the #wednesdaywalk challenge and the #makemesmile challenge collaboration. This collaboration initially took place once a month, but due to its popularity, @tattoodjay (of the #wednesdaywalk) and @elizacheng (of #makemesmile) decided to make it a weekly thing.

If you want to know more about the rules, visit this week's post by @tattoodjay where you will find all the rules at the bottom of his post after you've enjoyed his beautiful photos from his walk.

Last weekend we went to watch the rugby match between the SHARKS and Edinburgh Rugby at the Kings Park Stadium in Durban. We decided to go for a short walk after the game and just spend some time on the beach in Durban if it wasn't too busy.

Kick-off was at 3 pm. That means it was about 5 pm by the time we got out of the stadium. The beach is close to the stadium (about 2 KM). But first getting to the car and then facing the traffic to get out, we arrived at Battery Beach in Durban just before 6 pm.

With winter approaching, our sunset is currently at about 17h50 pm. So I used the last bit of daylight to see if I could still get a photo or two...LOL!

As we got out of the car, I spotted a cargo ship that just left the harbor.


Battery Beach is the most northern beach of the famous Golden Mile in Durban. In the next photo, I was standing just above the beach at Battery Beach, looking down toward the Golden Mile.


A little to my left, I found an empty frame. The ship that came out of the harbor was turning toward the east and I was just in time to still get a shot of it through the frame.


I heard the sound of another boat/ship and it sounded quite close. I walked down to the right, and I got this shot. I am no expert in boats, but as far as I know, it is a commercial fishing boat.


I just moved down a little further to be able to catch both vessels in the same photo, with the cargo ship now seriously heading for the open seas going east.


I walked back up in a northerly direction until I found a nice open space from where could get a nice, final shot of this boat cruising up along the shoreline.


On our way back to the car, I couldn't resist the temptation to just have a little more fun when I saw another empty frame...LOL!


And that's it for today, folks!

Thank you for reading my post! I do appreciate it!


Those “frames” are awesome.
Great to capture the ship and palm trees. Such a beautiful photos.
Lovely walk just in time before sunset.
Have a wonderful Wednesday

Thank you for your great feedback, @littlebee4! I do appreciate it!

Have a wonderful day!


You are welcome @jacoalberts 😊👋🏻 anytime I can…
Still struggling with internet. Soon the snow melts and i can reposition Starlink. I did post yesterday a post from the surroundings ☃️ if you are curious.
Have a wonderul day too


What's the difference between a cat and a frog?
A cat has nine lives, but a frogs croaks every night.

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Thank you kindly 😎

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Thank you for the token! I do appreciate it!

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

Thanks for stopping by, @tattoodjay!

Well framed you captured some enjoyable topics in each, boats and ships sailing the water always fascinating.

Being close inshore I wonder if that is one of the cable laying ships that were down our way a couple of years ago, with so many breaks in cables up the East and West coast they may be checking..... Or it is a fishing vessel although looks larger than normally seen.


Thank you for your feedback, @joanstewart! I do appreciate it!

I think you might be right about that ship being a cable-laying ship. It really makes sense as I also thought it looked a bit larger (especially longer) than the fishing vessels that I've seen. I never thought about cable-laying ships...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on that!


Would love to sit on a dock and watch the ships come and go, favourite past time when on holiday in East London years ago, when you could freely walk within the ports.

Simply hope they fix the cables connecting us to Europe sooner than later, slow intermittent connection is a nightmare.


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It'd be curtains for all us.

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Yes, it was awesome when we could freely walk within the ports! And I agree with you, it is nice to sit and watch the ships come and go indeed.

Oh, I agree with you 110% in hoping that they fix those cables. The internet is driving everybody up the walls!!


Slow connection is better than no connection ours is very intermittent, along with water and electricity....

Enjoy the weekend possible first snow for the season on the Berg, wrap up warm and enjoy, time to make soup and curries again !LOLZ

Three men walk into a bar.
You would think at least one of them would have seen it.

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@jacoalberts, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of joanstewart

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Our internet is very slow at times. The water and electricity is as normal so far...thank goodness for that!!

Yes, I saw the cold is coming this weekend! We'll definitely have to be ready to warm up a bit...lol!

You must have an awesome weekend, @joanstewart!

Voting is soon, hopefully bring about change with water and electricity, cables under the sea another problem to simply have patience at the moment !LOLZ

I left my last girlfriend because she wouldn’t stop counting.
I wonder what she’s up to now.

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@jacoalberts, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of joanstewart


I can't wait to see what is going to happen! I hope it will bring some positive change!

And the cables... yes, as you say...PATIENCE...


@joanstewart! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ jacoalberts. (5/10)

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@joanstewart! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ jacoalberts. (2/10)

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How great that you arrived at the beach shortly before sunset and had the opportunity to see that beautiful cargo ship.
Apparently you were in front of a route where boats pass, being able to capture two ships in the same shot is wonderful
Thank you very much dear friend @jacoalberts for sharing this experience of visiting the coast
have a splendid night

Hi @jlufer! Thank you for stopping by!

Yes, many boats are passing here as it is close to the entrance of Durban Harbor. I plan on going right up to the entrance in the near future to see if I could get some nice close-up photos of ships entering and leaving the harbor.

I'm glad you enjoyed my post!

Have a great day!


@jlufer! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ jacoalberts. (3/10)

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Going to seashore is all what my heart and eyes crave for but sea is very far from my home. I have to fly from my home towards Karachi.

Thanks for stopping by, @tahastories1! I'm glad you enjoyed my photos!

Yes, I know that feeling of craving for the sea but living far away from it. It was the same for us for many years, living 600 KM away from the sea. But our dream came true and now we live by the sea! We are blessed indeed!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Beach views are fantastic even in late afternoon. Must be a great walk just the same. Love those frames! They're perfect for framed shoots indeed. LOL! An advance happy weekend...

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- @iamraincrystal - Moderator/Alive Video Master
This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #aliveandthriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving, plus @youarealive is following our Curation Trail.

Hi, @iamraincrystal! It was a great walk indeed. And with the day coming to an end, it was like there was a special calmness in the atmosphere while walking along the beachfront...

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the frames...LOL!

Happy advance weekend to you too!


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Thank you for the token! I do appreciate it!

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