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RE: A sandy island in the middle of the river

in Wednesday Walk23 days ago

20 years ago, in Belgrade, on the Danube, next to the Great War Island, there was a sandbar (island) where we enjoyed the summer for several years. measuring 50x500m, it was ideal for swimming, playing football on the sand, sunbathing, so close to the city center, and like being on a deserted island. this sprud of yours reminded me of those years... now Belgrade's sandy island has become overgrown with vegetation and merged with a larger island...


It seems that the Danube likes to make such sandbars and convert them into islands later. Many years ago there was another naturally made sandy island in another place but it disappeared (or they took out the sand as the ships could not pass, I am not sure anymore how it disappeared)

Now we have this one 😃

Even if there is no island, salvation is next to the water in this heat (and this week, it does not let up, 36, 37...)

It is still that warm...? 🥴

Today, during the day, we expect a cold weather, maybe even some rain 😃.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday during the day, on asphalt and concrete, it was hellish.


When I went to the market this morning, I remembered that I complained to you about the heat that is still in Serbia 😂

This morning it is raining and the temperature is 10°C, while last weekend it was 35°C.
In one week, Fire and ice 😁