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RE: #Wednesday Walk - Watching the Silver Cloud Entering Durban Harbor.

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

Imagine just how many steps you could get in by walking around that thing, though I think that you probably had a better walk just walking to see it cruising in.

I went on one once for the day from Fort Lauderdale in Florida to the Bahamas but it was so long ago, I barely remember it.

I think that if I go on a cruise, it will be much smaller than these monster ships.

Maybe just a 2 man tinnie...🤣

To a deserted island somewhere..😍


Yes! It even has a jogging track on the top deck😅! But yes, I got a lot of steps in while taking the photos, capturing the entrance into the!

Maybe it's time for you to go on a cruise again seeing that it was so long ago that you were on that cruise...

But the deserted island also sounds like a great idea😀👍!

Thanks for stopping by, @chocolatescorpi! It's nice hearing from you!!

Nice to be back and very happy to see that you're still here wandering around too!

Yeah I'm thinking that a move might be in order next year when my lease is up here in Feb and it will probably be back to QLD, though not quite sure south in the Gold Coast or North back up to Cairns/ Daintree rainforest...

And maybe even to Europe....or Africa actually, Ghana...but if there is a cruise involved, it will be a small one, not those cities afloat...

It seems like you have some decision-making to do! However, it sounds like you have some nice choices to choose from! At least you still have some time to weigh up the options and make a good decision😀👍!

Ahhh yes time. Time is running out though...time goes by wayyyyyy to fast.
Last year I was 20.
Now I'm past 50....and I've still got soooo much to do and I could do it all right now- if I had the money, but I don't so I have to waste time on not doing the things that I need to be doing...

Anyhoooo, yep...time to do the research, make the decisions, then something will change at the last minute. It always does.

Last year my best friend and I booked 3 weeks in Thailand to fly out on the 28th Feb. The dad died on the that's a prime example of the last minutes curve balls that life throws at you to make you waste more time (not that the last weeks with dad were wasted, not at all. Wouldn't have missed that for the world.)
but you know what I mean...


It's been a day tonight (work)
So I'm actually going to say goodbye and close my eyes instead.

Take care and talk soon.