In memory of the tooth who offered wisdom ๐Ÿ™

in We Are Alive Tribe โ€ข 9 months ago (edited)


I woke this morning with a stream of blood crusted down my cheek and a dull sensation in my jaw reminding me of yesterday's molar extraction. The overnight bleeding had created large quantities of coagulated blood in my nasal passage and back of throat making it impossible to sleep more. I had to cough deep to get it all out but this only had the effect of pumping blood from the open wound at a greater rate and the scene in our white bathroom was like something out of a horror movie. I smiled in the face of pure carnage before clearing it up :)

Two weeks earlier i had seen in the new year with my French family, enjoying a relatively pain free evening, but just when i was thinking about bedtime around 2am the pain began in a way i had never before experienced and this left me pacing around the house in agony till 9am. Nothing seemed to help, except movement. So i guess you can imagine how tired i was by 9am? Couple this with the fact that i was already shattered from food poisoning along with my whole family during the post Christmas period. Sabrina & i first, then the children. Esteban & Luna seen here on Dec 30th, intermittently vomiting and incapacitated for two days.

Plus i was already tired from months of disturbed painful sleep, so the morning of the 1st of Jan 2024 was unquestionably one of the hardest of my life.

I even swore that morning i would stop drinking alcohol & coffee!

So far so good with that...

20h after the extraction now and blood continues to flow at an alarming rate. Am collecting around one cup every hour which i intend to dilute with water and feed to the garden.

Waste not this precious fluid I say!

In any other life i would probably describe the dull sensation in my constantly bleeding mouth as pain, the anaesthetic having worn off while i slept, but my relationship with "nature's way of telling us something is wrong" has been a long one and the feeling of an extracted tooth is like a tickle compared to the pain i have grown accustomed to over the last few years.

I viewed outbreaks as opportunities to naturally push myself harder toward finding frequency based solutions which i could then share with others in the form of articles. I learned to cherish the pain free moments above everything else because to exist without pain was like a blissful dream, full of consistent gratitude for every little joy life has to offer. Just as it should be one could say?

A few days ago however the pain reached that crazy level again where i can't eat, can't sleep, can't bend down, can't breathe out my mouth, can't crap, can't cough and most of the time i can't stop pacing around the house as this seems the only thing which helps. Going through this experience for the second time i knew enough was enough and it was wonderful to see how quickly the solution manifested once the decision had been made.

But why Sam would you put yourself through this growing pain for the last two years?

Well, let me see if I can explain in a way that makes sense.

Seek the path of least resistance

There is a law here in France which prohibits dentists from removing a tooth without later filling the hole in some unnatural manner and i made the mistake two years ago with our local dentist of refusing all the terrible follow-up options he presented me with. And no, i also did not want him to "save" the tooth by giving me a root canal procedure! I know too much about root canals now to ever have one again. The result was an argument and he banned my entire family from his practice, obviously without removing the tooth.

I took this as a sign from the Universe that another way must be found to resolve the problem so when i discovered frequency based healing last year this felt a lot like the answer. And for a while it was! I am using three frequency devices regularly now, all of which do have an unquestionable effect on low level pain. The trouble is, when we are dealing with a rotten tooth and acute pain no amount of frequency will fix it. At least, none that i have been able to find on my current budget.

Screenshot 2024-01-20 at 08.40.02.png

Pain the motivator

I mentioned how there was nothing which would make the pain stop but what i didn't mention was that in those last few days i was able to stop it for periods of up to 5mins after which i would need my 'treatment' again.

But what was this magical treatment which permitted brief spells of comfort when nothing else did?

It was water, blessed by Sabrina so that it would know what it was for.

Our family has been developing its relationship with water for the last month ever since i created this system it must go through before drinking and it occurred to me that two souls intent on the same goal (a pain free Sam) would be more effective than one, especially when the joint request was directed into this refreshed & energised water, which could be swilled around the mouth at any time to achieve the desired result instantly.

If i tried swilling regular water in my mouth it had no effect on the pain, but when i used blessed water the pain would subside to almost nothing within around 10seconds. The effect was always short-lived however, forcing me to drink another sip of water 5mins later. If i continued this game drinking blessed water every 5mins for a total period of ten hours, the pain would go away completely and i could sleep. Exhausted. And full of magic water!

So what i want to say here is that the pain motivated me to try something i would not have ordinarily tried and now i have seen its wonderful effect, i realise that my entire family blessing the water (even those abroad!) may just have healed the tooth completely. I saw how Esteban was able to take the pain away with his magic wand (directed intentions) and i saw how Sabrina was able to take the pain away by blessing structured water (directed intentions), so imagine the power of my full extended family focusing their intentions on Sam's magic water!

The possibilites here are endless and i remain grateful to my molar for showing me this final important lesson right before her demise.

Journey well dear tooth ๐Ÿ™


Pain the teacher

Getting the last minute dentist appointment was one thing, but getting out of there without being forced into further appointments was another. Not turning up to any appointments beyond the removal of the tooth was always an option but i preferred not to go this route as the dentist was a personal friend of Sabrina's mum and had gone out of his way to put me at the top of the waiting list. It seemed i would need special mind-control tricks to achieve this goal without rocking the boat!

Well, when a person is in extreme pain they are prepared to go to any lengths for relief so i had as a consequence been reading about the mind control tricks described in The Magic of Psychotronic Power by Robert B. Stone just when the dentist provided the required opportunity to test out what i had learned.

Many thanks to @in2itiveart for alerting me to this book!

Stone's technique involves picturing oneself in a special pre-prepared room and then visualising the scene playing out as you would like it. I had 20mins in the dentist's waiting room, providing ample opportunity for this meditation and truly i was blown away at how simple it was from there. He removed the tooth without any hesitation and told me there was no need to return, unless i wanted to. This is not the normal process for a dentist but for some reason he didn't feel like following protocol in that moment so i thanked him for his prompt work (no more than 10mins) and headed home to celebrate.

I will get that book posted in the @survival-archive account asap. An essential read as far as I am concerned.

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Pain the trainer

My relationship with pain spans back to the age of six when I tried to do a cool ski jump and broke my leg because one of the skis didn't come off during the tumble. Back then MRIs didn't exist in too many hospitals so the damaged cartilage went unnoticed and due to growing pain years later I developed a barely noticeable but unique way of walking without pain, which ultimately put pressure on the other knee and this led to further pain later in life and finally key-hole surgery to remove the cartilage.


The way I walk is still pretty messed up but I don't feel pain in my knees any more, thanks I would say largely to our three gardens and all the physical work this forces me into.

These days I feel the pain in my feet! Well, not so much in the winter. But in the summer, due to my constantly bare feet I experience the sensation of sharp stones all the time and have noted over the years that less and less I am associating this sensation with pain. It's just something which happens when we walk barefoot and there is no more judgement, no more angry face or feeling of annoyance. It just is.

So what I want to say here is that my long relationship with pain has led me very naturally to the tooth pain, which I understand now was one of the most intense kinds of tooth pain a person can experience. What remained of the tooth was black already two years ago with the nerve exposed, so I think you can imagine what it looked like a week ago. Showing it to Sabrina last week was actually the motivator for the dentist. She freaked out basically fearing the worst and told her mother who is personal friends with the dentist. He wouldn't see me without an appointment but was willing to put me at the top of an emergency waiting list, warning that people rarely cancelled. Well, 48h later someone did cancel and I had my appointment.

Remaining 'in the moment' (a state of non judgement) is one of the most important lessons we can learn here on this physical playground, so having now experienced such an intense kind of pain for the last two years I feel as if I am better placed to deal with any potential pains in the future and will view them in a way which does not waste time with labels such as 'good' or 'bad', permitting me a direct move to any course of required action without changing my vibration.

Final thoughts

When I first discovered electroculture a year ago I did not initially understand how these beneficial frequencies could be reproduced without the devices, as described by @clareartista in her wonderful garden which demonstrated clearly the effect of her presence alone.

In the silence of meditation I am able to feel how the human body is a mobile frequency generator but it had not occurred to me that a collective of bodies with focused minds could be so much more effective than one.

So my journey with pain has helped me see beyond a mental limitation and as I mentioned before, the next time a member of our family has pain I will deal with it in a very different way. No devices, no herbs, no medicine, just LOVE from a collective of focused minds who have come together with a strong intention for a specific purpose.

Furthermore, my first removed tooth finally provides opportunity to grow a new one! The common line is that it can't be done but obviously this isn't true. In order for it to happen however the old root must of course be removed. So now this is done I can attend to the task of letting my body know what will happen next...

I apologise to those of you I promised devices early this year. Production has been sporadic these last months due to the pain and even the Christmas presents I made for my family are still sitting on my desk! But this did at least permit me the time to photograph them as intended and add them to my website.

I was able to complete a Sacred, Lost & Empowerment tensor ring set for @drrune today and am proud to present this unique style as my own, complete with spirals & rose quartz crystals.

The colours are a natural effect of welding and am confused why people normally clean this off? Looks great to me!

Am not yet 100% but can feel myself coming back in ways I had forgotten and am excited to get back into a pain-free creation routine which will potentially never stop.

There are 31 products on the website now but all prior commitments will be fulfilled before it goes online.
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Come to think of it i would like for the hive community to get first access to these products before the site goes live and will figure out the best way for this to happen. Not have spoken to many people about this your feedback on the site and my proposed method of exchange will be highly valued.

Will get a post up on this soon enough.

For now i'm just nursing a hole (which has thankfully stopped bleeding) and enjoying the simple things again like sitting at a piano, instinctively composing for a prolonged period of time without pain. A beautiful piece of music came through me almost immediately in fact! May have to record this one.

Esteban is very much following in my footsteps at the piano and also spends a lot of time composing from his heart.

Feeling inspired to document this exciting period of rebirth i have picked up the book made by Sabrina as my Christmas present and turned it into a diary.

With these pages i am going to become more aware of the Greater Me who is so evidently connected to the Cosmos and to Mother Nature herself, by attaching extra info to each day like moon phase and planetary alignments. In time the patterns will become evident.

I think the overall lesson from this 'tooth chapter' is clear enough.

Look for the guidance pain has to offer but be careful not to compromise your experience of life in the process, remembering too that a prolonged period of pain, once remedied will always lead to a prolonged period of bliss!

It really is bliss my friends and it comes with a powerful kind of energy permeating my experience at all times ๐Ÿ’œ

My intention now is to use this energy for the better good of everyone with the ongoing creation of awesome frequency devices ๐ŸŒ€

Love & Light for 2024 ๐ŸŒฑ

Here is Esteban drawing his first Flower of Life.

Art images by myself and the midjourney bot. Prompts available on request.

Sort: ย 

About group healing method, I donโ€™t think itโ€™s free from unintended repercussions. Each personโ€™s mind is at a different stage of development. So many factors are involved most of which we couldnโ€™t perceive! Your thoughts and desires should find a Middle Way.

Thank you. This is very interesting as i had imagined groups to be safer. I wonder if Dr Joe Dispenza warns people about this before running his workshops in which random people (who may have no experience with meditation) heal each other in groups.

I guess the problem i am having here is not being able to really see the Middle Way when all these things i keep finding excite me so much.

Even yesterday i found something called PaidaLajin (slapping & stretching) a Daoist tradition which seems the best self healing method a person can use because you don't need to buy anything and the technique takes no more than a few seconds to learn. And needless to say, today i will be slapping myself a lot!

If i can feel direct changes in my body i will write a post about this technique.

ย 8 months agoย (edited)

I would say that anything put together by an unenlightened person would never be โ€˜completeโ€™. Itโ€™s a like an old Buddhist parable that blind men touching the same elephant would describe what they thought they found to be the truth excitedly. But each truth depended on which part of the elephant they were touching.


Wow! Thatโ€™s a long journey to experience and live with toothache and extreme pain. Perhaps this was a part of your karmic journey.

You havenโ€™t tried CDS yet! I used it to heal my severe food poisoning in three days without having to go to hospital. I also used it to heal my cat of catsโ€™ flu and eye infection twice already.

Although I could (and did) use vibrational healing energy to heal elderly friends and myself in the past, I had stopped doing this as I realised its complications. To use this method safely without any unintended side affects, the โ€˜mindโ€™ or โ€˜heartโ€™ has to be completely โ€˜emptyโ€™ or โ€˜cleanโ€™ so that the energy wasnโ€™t of one self. The self if โ€˜stillโ€™ or โ€˜emptyโ€™ enough for the othernessโ€™ energy to come through. Then all would be well with no repercussions.

I had know a few famous healers (Thai, Chinese and Vietnamese) whose life force was shortened. These healers would suffer from bad health and invariably didnโ€™t have a long life, even though they did meditation regularly.

Meditation, if practiced properly, could be very helpful in times of painful incidents. I did discover this during my motorbike accident when my leg was dripping blood all the way to the hospital. The nurse was amazed that I couldnโ€™t feel any pain as most people would be screaming at the big wound.
This ability would come naturally at times of genuine crisis. The second accident was in Germany when I fell in the bathroom and smashed the glass partition. I had a big chunk of glass stuck in my left arm. I was admitted to the emergency operating room for treatment. The doctors were surprised that I wasnโ€™t in painful agony. I guessed I was very lucky to have been able to get connected to this part of the brain by chance. I tried not to use this ability and kept it a secret from close friends.

Sometimes pain is necessary for my learning process and paying up my old debts from past lives. Thatโ€™s why I had refused the offer to join a prestigious healing clinic to assist in their alternative healing practices.

Before I would give ivermectin to some villagers, I would suggest that they did some good karma or charitable actions for one week. Then I would be โ€˜allowedโ€™ to give them ivermectin tablets. They all felt much better and could worked as usual.

In Buddhism, we were taught to walk โ€˜the Middle Wayโ€™, not too tight and not too loose. So, medicine becomes an essential part of healing and good health. Even the Buddha who could heal himself instantly had a personal herbalist who became very famous for being able to communicate with plants. They would tell him which plants were capable of healing illnesses.

Here, we have plants which were very helpful in healing strange diseases. This knowledge came to some religious people in their dreams; the spirits came to tell them about these plants in dreams. In healing, one shouldnโ€™t use oneโ€™s own life force as it could bring about unintended consequences. Recently I found a warning in Buddhist text about healing while the โ€˜selfโ€™ or โ€˜egoโ€™ was involved. The energy could never be โ€˜pureโ€™; most forest monks, almost a hundred years ago, would never used their own โ€˜magical powerโ€™ in ceremonies. I couldnโ€™t understand this until years later. Hope your overall health is much improved and all is progressing at much smoother pace this year.

Best wishes for the New Year 2024.

A super message here with lots to unpack.

I think it may well have been related to my karmic journey somehow. But i also get a sense that whatever was due has been paid now.

You are right for the CDS. I still have the tab open in my browser though. Reminding me what to buy when am next feeling rich! Just want to check with you, is DMSO the same thing? This is the tab I have open:

I had know a few famous healers (Thai, Chinese and Vietnamese) whose life force was shortened

Thank you for the reminder. In my research over the last year have seen this a number of times also with western practitioners. So many die young.

Even in my own practice i can sense what you are talking about. My tooth was like a meter for Life-Force energy in my body. So when my energy was down the tooth would hurt more. And i saw how certain things like quantum sessions (self healing) would make the tooth hurt if i did not prepare myself in the correct way with fasting & meditation.

Amazing to hear your stories about controlling pain instinctively. I think you did the right thing turning down that healing clinic.

Before I would give ivermectin to some villagers, I would suggest that they did some good karma or charitable actions for one week. Then I would be โ€˜allowedโ€™ to give them ivermectin tablets

Really love this!

Even the Buddha who could heal himself instantly had a personal herbalist who became very famous for being able to communicate with plants. They would tell him which plants were capable of healing illnesses.

Another great story and perfect reminder of the importance of the Middle Way.

Feel now as if the group idea i mentioned at the end of this post is the key. When a person who is not an experienced meditator stands alone in the healing of another person there is as you say, always a risk. However, when that person stands as part of a collective, the risk is diffused. I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this?

Happy New Now!

ย 8 months agoย (edited)

No! DMSO is totally different and itโ€™s sulfur! Very dangerous stuff.

CDS. ChlorineDioxide (look at the links)

Learn to make your own CDS

You should do some research before you decide to try CDS.

ย 8 months agoย (edited)

This one looks okay, you could dilute it in water following the right protocols for each case.

ย 8 months agoย (edited)

Forgot to say how much to take each time. Normally about half a glass or 100-120 ml will be okay each time.
The F protocol shouldnโ€™t be taken on an empty stomach as it is pretty strong for beginners.

CDS should be kept in dark coloured bottle as itโ€™s sensitive to light and heat. The Oxygen would leak and dissipate very quickly. I have special bottles for the ready made CDS at 3000 ppm (parts per million) and a ready to drink bottle of 1Litre with 20 ml of CDS added.

This CDS will help to save lives in times of crisis when doctors and hospitals werenโ€™t available.

ย 8 months agoย (edited)

Water 0.5 L and add 10 ml CDS.
Keep in refrigerator.
Finish this bottle in 2 hours by drinking one portion every 15 minutes.

The F protocol is used when you have been infected with virus, bacteria and having a fever.

For normal or everyday maintenance of good health. We use 1 L water and add 15 ml CDS. Drink 4-5 times per day to stay healthy.

I'm trying to see the survival account but every time I try the link it sends me to a 404 page. And it's strange because it starts with the account and then becomes that. It also happens to me with some of your posts. It's like all of that is blocked. At least on PeakD. Do you know anything about this? Something weird is definitely happening.

That sounds very odd. Am not familiar with this problem.

I wonder perhaps if it has something to do with your browser cashe? It might be worth deleting just to see if this improves the situation.

Am hosting the PDFs on Odysee so you could potentially just go direct to this page in the meantime.

Thank you for th link to Ody!!! I realized that the error happened every time I tried to open the links in a new tab. Equally odd because before it worked this way without problems.

@clareartista Sam tagged you, writing your first name the French way ;<)

Ooops! Many thanks for looking out for me Vincent ๐Ÿ™

Sending hugs :)

Happy to hear you tooth pain is gone. Having experienced tooth pain in the past , it has been the most painful pain I've ever experienced, maybe as bad as when I got run over and broke my leg. What do you find bad about root canals btw?

Root canals are absolutely evil (in my opinion), because it means keeping dead material in one's body. Dead cells are always in a state of decomposition.
More precisely, a tooth is filled with numerous small canals and pockets (since obviously it was made from living tissue, and that is never a solid block). Those pockets are sealed with a root canal treatment, and often bacteria are trapped within these pockets, since it is virtually impossible to completely clean a tooth before sealing it up. If these are bacteria that can live anaerobically (meaning, without air), they do live on and produce their waste inside of the tooth - which are toxic to the human body (as most bacterial waste products are).

Nowadays there is speculation that many of the immune diseases appearing later in life are a caused by these toxins building up over the years and constantly stressing the body.
If I recall correctly, it is not even necessary to have a clinically obvious root canal infection. Even a normal looking root canal tooth can harbor small amounts of bacteria that are constantly producing small amounts of waste products.

It's been a while since I did my research on this topic, so the details escape me. All I know - never ever get a root canal, if you don't want to slowly poison yourself.

This article confirms that it is anaerobic bacteria that can be found within infected root canals:

And in this article there is more info about this topic:

Weston Price is a physician who did a lot of research on teeth, but his findings have been systematically suppressed. It's worth reading his book "Nutrition and physical degeneration", which is out of print, but probably available in digital copies on "the internet".

Hello there @brainofalion :)

How are you? I trust 2024 is moving along smoothly for you?

Lovely to see you here again and good to know we are on the same page with root canals. Indeed, my (extremely healthy & active) step father had a mouth full of amalgam fillings all his life and now he has Parkinsons, so i'm not in much doubt about the connection between toxins building and crap in our mouth which shouldn't be there.

The three root canals i have in my mouth are currently holding crowns without which i will not be able to chew my food, so i'm in a bit of a muddle about these. If i can successfully start re-growing the removed one it will give me confidence to remove the others and drink through a straw till its done!

I downloaded 'Nutrition and physical degeneration' for future reference. Many thanks for the links and info.

Hi Sam! Yes, I'm still here, even though I don't post much - but I do read all of your entries, and enjoy your stories and insights very much. If I do not comment, that's only because I have nothing original or witty to say... :-o Maybe I should create something similar to cuddlekitten, just to acknowledge and appreciate postings.

Having root canals is a difficult position to be in, especially after knowing what they can do to the body. To add to the text I posted above: It is possible (but I don't know how likely) that there are no anaerobic bacteria inside, and the tooth is just sitting there, not causing any harm.

As for regrowing teeth: I think it is very much possible. Weston Price in his books describes how a young girl was scheduled to have her cavities filled by a dentist. She managed to fill them by eating food high in vitamins (if I recall correctly, it was butter with high K vitamin content). Which tells me several things: (a) Cavities do not need to be drilled out and filled. Teeth material does indeed regrow!! (Scientists also used to say that brain cells do not regrow, now they have changed that in the face of evidence. And it is still current scientific belief that severed nerve cells do not regrow, but many cases have shown that this is also not exactly correct.) (b) Highly nutritious food can indeed heal the body in ways that the scientific establishment won't tell you (or will tell you it's impossible).

Ultimately, everything comes down to what we believe, and how negative beliefs affect us. Having absolute, unadultered faith in something will manifest without fail!

Am grateful for your presence here.

Yes, for the root canals it is a difficult position because without them i won't be able to chew. And despite my understanding of the power of our belief, it feels a lot like these things in my mouth are not doing anything good for my body. I addressed this issue in a recent Quantum Healing session and my Higher Self told me that a holistic dentist will be presented to me at some point, with whom i can exchange in a way that does not involve money. So, am looking forward to that!

I watched a young woman on YouTube re-grow a molar over the last year so yes, i have no doubt it can be done. In a plethora of interesting ways it would seem! Including just asking God, as we know.

A friend in India sent me this a few days ago, from a poster in a holistic dentist office.


For years i tried to find this information online so am happy to now have it and have been reminded once more of the importance of having all our teeth.

That makes sense and I would agree that I wouldnt want it done. Is the alternative to have the tooth removed? Is it safer?

Nowadays there is speculation that many of the immune diseases appearing later in life are a caused by these toxins building up over the years and constantly stressing the body.

There is a huge elephant in the room of what is causing this, check out the childhood and elderly vaccination schedules...

I'm not sure if it is always necessary to remove an infected tooth as soon as the dentist says so. (See my other reply to samstonehill.) It probably boils down to one's own discernment, which means that it is necessary to learn about health and the human body as much as possible, and also away from the current scientific dogmas.

Re vaccines: I agree, that is of course another cause for many vague health problems - which doctors usually treat with another pill, instead of looking for causes...

For me the tooth pain was unquestionably a more intense feeling than that of breaking my leg in multiple places. Though the snow probably helped to keep it numb ;)

But yes, i am flying now in a pain free world of rainbows & butterflies!

Why do i find root canals bad?

Mostly because numerous enlightened souls have alerted me to this over the years. Last year I came across the documentary "root cause" which felt like truth. Even just examining the procedure itself one can sense there is something deeply wrong with it. Wounds need to heal, infections need to clear. But the mouth is not given this chance.


Looking closer at gutta percha it seems natural enough but comes with these very clear words "it has limitations such as leakage, root canal reinfection, and poor mechanical properties. Sealers are needed to seal the gutta-percha core material and prevent microleakage."

So yeah, there are just so many risks with this procedure because once there is no nerve to tell you something is wrong you may go ten years with an infection without knowing about it.

I still have three in my mouth which must be removed.

Better to have a hole in my opinion and a focused intention to regrow the tooth...

Hi Sam, I'm so glad you're pain free and on the way to fully regain your max energy. You've been through a lot and learned some tough lessons which will help you going forward. Teeth are super important in this 3D reality; they act like a gateway. Are you familiar with the tooth chart and how teeth are linked to organs in our body?
Here are some resources in case you're interested aka didn't know about it:

Hey Krisz!

Thank you for your understanding.

Teeth are super important in this 3D reality; they act like a gateway

I was aware of this during my last two root canal procedures and it pained me a lot to do it but at that time i did not understand enough and 'saving' the tooth with this crazy procedure sounded preferable to removing it. Funnily enough i remember this subject being the main cause for my argument with the dentist.

I asked him about the connection between the teeth and the organs and he told me there wasn't one. How a dentist can genuinely be in denial of this i really don't know? I think he was an evil person and did the best thing for me by banning me.

Though of course, trying to find charts on google which made the clear connection between the teeth and the organs, i could find nothing! So i do understand why the average person will never simply stumble upon this connection. But surely as a dentist he must have sensed this over the years?

Anyway, it is super great to see you providing some handy charts here. Deeply grateful ๐Ÿ™

My tooth journey is not over as i still have three root canals which need removing and some holes which will then need re-filling. Either with newly grown teeth or perhaps something home made. I wonder what tools i might need to carve pearls at home? Seems to me i could add a few home made teeth at meal times if needed! We have the expression "pearly whites" to describe teeth in English because in the old days this is exactly what they did.

Reading about your experience with your toothache made me feel queasy. My pain tolerance is usually quite high, but I can't stand toothaches. The moment I feel the pain, I have to deal with it because an infected tooth can lead to other health issues. Since it's more exposed to various elements like cold, hot, and different bacteria from the air and food, it's important to take care of it. You were really brave to endure the pain for so long! Take care and stay safe. ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ

Yeah, sorry for the bloody images and descriptive words. Sabrina tells me it is easy to look at our own blood but not so much other peoples'.

I could feel a nerve which connected to the tooth running from the top of my head down under my chin, so when the tooth hurt it would trigger this nerve and yeah, it's a special kind of feeling for sure! Not one i fancy experiencing again any time soon.

I know what i did was potentially dangerous yet somehow it all feels worth it now. The piece of music which flew out of me yesterday really has something to it. Gonna record it for sure as i can't get it out of my mind, like it wants to be heard! Have barely touched the piano for the last year so yes, it's just lovely to see how it flows now.

All the best to you!

Here are my cloud friends again, Jan 9th.


Great wisdom and what a journey, congrats on getting it finally sorted...nothing better like pain free life....
Just a a quick one, how would new tooth grow back? any insides of that process?
I had couple of holes after the removals, however i dont think anything grows there....
Would appreciate if you can point me in good direction..
In Lak'ech brother!

You know it for the pain free life! Still buzzing here :)

For the tooth re-growing i am gathering the pieces of the puzzle but it seems to me that good diet, lots of rest (like a baby who is growing teeth), affirmations, visualisations, blessed water and frequency devices should do the trick.

Will write a post when i get round to it.

All the best brother!

Pain is indeed a profound motivator. I'm glad that there are no laws regulating dentistry at this level in my country and I wonder why there are any such things over there, it seems like unwarranted State involvement in a medical practice. I got four wisdom teeth extracted in the past three years and never had to deal with that amount of blood, fortunately. Hope you're soon beyond that situation for good. My own extractions signified big changes in my life, and I'm sure yours is the same!

Thank you for those beautiful rings, man! They look so elegant and beautiful!

For sure it is unwarranted involvement. Forcing people into bad positions basically where they end up with crazy stuff like root canals & implants.

Don't know why there was so much blood for me? Just glad it's all over. The hole seems mostly healed already.

No worries at all for the rings. They motivated me in fact to find a style which was unique and fitting to the character of this family.

Should be able to get them to the post office on Friday.

ย 8 months agoย Reveal Comment

Ah cuddlekitten. How blessed you are that dentists don't seem to care about cats.